Carti in categoria Psihologie
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Treatise on Metaphysics is a systematic analysis of the main determinations of these concepts, fundamental for philosophy in general and metaphysics in particular.Traditional metaphysical thought focuses on either the being (the universe – be it incipient or fully realized - of stable forms or structures that are relatively exterior to the human) or, less frequently, on the becoming (change in the universe of forms and structures). Modern metaphysics deals mostly with the problem of subjec...
Vasile Frateanu a fost profesor de metafizica si ontologie la Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, iar in ultimii ani a indeplinit functia de profesor consultant la aceeasi universitate.*Cartea a primit premiul Vasile Conta al Academiei Romane in 2002.Lui Vasile Frateanu i s-a acordat in 2002 Outstanding Professional Award, American Biographical Institute, USA, for Dedicated Achievements in the Field of Philosophy.Autorul este mentionat in Leading Intellectuals of the World,...