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Cartea urmareste traiectoria unei vieti sculptate, parca, de mana sortii: lumina copilariei lui Radu Duda, traumele si bucuriile unei adolescente traite in comunism, apoi viata de actor si radicala cotitura existentiala – intrarea in Familia Regala a Romaniei; a urmat adaptarea la o noua menire:cea de Principe al Romaniei, aflat mereu in slujba tarii sale. In ultimii ani, cariera sa ca Reprezentant Special al Guvernului Romaniei a facut din Principele Radu un exponent al democratiei romane...
This book follows the trajectory of a life that has been carved as if by the hand of fate: the luminosity of Radu Duda’s childhood, the traumas and joys of an adolescence under communism, then the life of an actor and a radical existential turning point, his becoming a member of the Romanian Royal Family. What followed was an adaptation to a new destiny: that of Prince Radu of Romania, constantly in the service of his country.
In the last few years, his career as Special Representative ...