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Carti in categoria Marketing-comert

Cea mai mare afacere din toate timpurile
Traducere de Dana Georgescu In 2006, John Paulson, managerul unui fond speculativ, a prezis un eveniment pe care putini il anticipau: piata ipotecara avea sa se prabuseasca in scurt timp. Gregory Zuckerman prezinta povestea lui si a altor outsideri - investitori putin cunoscuti - din lumea investitiilor care ii impartaseau viziunea sceptica, reusind sa obtina in final castiguri de miliarde de dolari. Scrisa de un triplu castigator al Premiului Gerald Loeb, cea mai inalta distinctie oferita unui...


PRP: 49,00 Lei  39,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Cyber Consumer Law - Cristina Coteanu
Whilst consumer protection in the 1960s was fashioned by its external environment, cyber consumer protection, today, is challenged by internal conditions linked to the technological nature of the Internet. Given the current underdeveloped state of technology now available to consumers, it is impossible for them to exercise real control over the technological issues of the electronic marketplace. The peculiarities of the electronic marketplace and their impact on consumer protection require conti...


PRP: 25,00 Lei  20,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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