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Carti in categoria Diverse

Written Communication in business English
The book is meant for all who use English as their study language for economic subjects. It aims at providing the learners with the writing skills required in modern bussiness communication,that means skills referring to writing letters of complaint and adjustment as well as to banks,insurance companies,transportation and shipping companies.We feel confident that by a careeful and thorough study of the material included in the course the users will find it an useful instrument in the learning pr...


Politici fiscale si bugetare europene
Autori: Prof. univ. dr. Tatiana Mosteanu, Delia Catarama, Lucian Tatu, Lector univ. dr. Emilia Campeanu Lucrarea se adreseaza, in primul rand, studentilor de la facultatile economice de profil, cursantilor de la programele de master din ASE, dar si tuturor specialistilor din domeniul fiscal-bugetar european. Format: Academic Nr. pag: 176