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Carti in categoria Admin. publica

Serviciile publice locale din Romania. Evolutie si reforme
Serviciile publice locale, ca rezultat al descentralizarii administrative, sunt astazi organizate de catre administratia publica locala, ca un raspuns la asteptarile si dorintele celor administrati. Tot ceea ce realizeaza institutiile publice, direct sau indirect, reprezinta furnizarea unor activitati de interes general, si anume servicii publice. Prezentarea evolutiei si reformelor acestora reprezinta o forma de cunoastere a administratiei si de intelegere a sistemului actual de furnizare a s...


PRP: 24,90 Lei  21,17 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Romanian Administrative System. French Inspiration and National Adaptation
The formation of the Romanian public administration presupposed a long process, throughout the centuries of a tumultuous history, as a result of Romania’s geographical position at the intersection of three great powers: the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At different stages of their existence, the administration and the state structures were marked by the models of the three great powers.The “modern” forms of administration emerged at the end of the 19...


19,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Serviciile publice
ISBN: 978-973-709-875-7An aparitie: 2018Nr. de pagini: 190Format: 17x24