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Knowledge and the Steams of Quantum Consciousness. A Practical Guide to Quantum Psychology
"Knowledge leads to acceptance. Acceptance leads to the activation of the inner force that faith is, and faith leads to the fulfilment of the accepted thought, to materialization. To experience all these, allow yourselves to live in joy, peace and harmony. Accept that everything is possible and your life will be filled with events, situations, moments that will bring you happiness, peace and harmony. So once you have discovered, felt and experienced something, everything becomes easy and at hand...


PRP: 46,00 Lei  36,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Self-Healing Starts in the Brain Through Mind Power. A Practical Guide to Quantum Psychology
"This book was born twenty years ago when I started treating people through the information and energy approach. Since 2008, I have been treating people by means of another miraculous method named the Bowen therapy. Both of them have had a major impact on my life and the evolution of my career. I have studied and researched various biographies from which I understood that nothing outside but yourself canactivate an illness with the help of your mind. Then, I told myself that if the mind is the d...


PRP: 82,38 Lei  65,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Regaining Your Inner Power. A Practical Guide to Quantum Psychology
When this blissful state occurs, you become one with the Kingdom of your Self. Have you ever lived this feeling of oneness, of becoming one with everything? Search around in your life; I think you have lived it the same way I have. I'll remind you that it is something extraordinary, magnificent, elevating your spirit, which makes you feel powerful as the master of your life. Words are not enough to describe this feeling. When you reach this state, it's crystal clear that you have found your inne...


PRP: 46,00 Lei  36,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Afirmatii pentru voi... (indrumar)
Cartea „Afirmatii pentru voi...” este un indrumar cu diverse afirmatii comentate. Aceste comentarii au ca scop intelegerea din punct de vedere cognitiv si nu numai a afirmatiilor respective. Este un indrumar prin care cititorul isi va crea prin exercitiu noi retele neuronale.Anul aparitiei: 2013Format: 13X20 cmNr. pag: 92


PRP: 63,00 Lei  50,40 Lei
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Conectarea cu sinele divin. Audiobook
CUPRINS:Capitolul 1: Starea de prezenta indica conectarea la Sinele Divin1.1. Prezentul este singura realitate existenta1.2. Corpul fizic urmeaza mintea1.3. Afirmatii utileCapitolul 2: Bucuria - starea fireasca a Sinelui Divin2.1. Pasii regasirii bucuriei2.2. Ce semeni aia culegi2.3. Afirmatii pentru bucurieCapitolul 3: Iubirea - starea fireasca de a fi in si cu Dumnezeu.3.1. Gandeste iubirea3.2. Fii iubirea3.3. Iubirea si beneficiile eiDurata CD: 64 minute...


Autovindecarea incepe din creier prin forta mintii. Ghid practic de psihologie cuantica
In aceasta carte va ofer cu drag toata cunoasterea si experienta mea pentru a trai in cunoastere, iubire, sanatate radianta si tinerete vesnica. Aceasta carte a luat fiinta inca de acum douazeci de ani, de cand am inceput sa tratez oamenii prin metoda informatiilor si energiilor. Din anul 2008, adica de sapte ani tratez oamenii printr-o alta metoda miraculoasa care poarta numele de terapia bowen. Ambele au avut un impact major in viata mea si in evolutia carierei mele in vindecare si autovindeca...