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Carti in categoria Curs

Dictionar enciclopedic medical veterinar. Vol 1 A-H roma - englez
Dictionar enciclopedic medical veterinar. Vol 1 A-H roman – englez - Lucian Ionita. Acest valoros “Dictionar encyclopedic medical veterinar” cuprinde numerosi si important termeni de specialitate (peste 3. 000 in primul volum, foarte bine selectati de un prestigious colectiv de elaborare, format in majoritate din profesori si conferentiari universitari bine cunoascuti, in domeniile lor de specialitate.Consideram ca este un merit in plus al Coordonatorului acestui necesar &ldquo...


PRP: 31,50 Lei  23,63 LeiAdauga in cos
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Dictionar enciclopedic medical veterinar. Vol 2 I-O roman - englez
Cuprins:MAximePopulatia lumiiLimbile pamantuluiDescoperiri milenareMinunile lumii anticeCreaturi misterioaseCalendareEpigrameLegile lui Murphy & Co


PRP: 31,50 Lei  23,63 LeiAdauga in cos
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Semiologie veterinara si tehnici de examinare - Constantin Vlagioiu
SEMIOLOGIA, SEMEIOLOGIA sau SEMIOTICA (grec. semeion = simptom, semn) este stiinta care se ocupa cu descoperirea, denumirea, descrierea si interpretarea semnelor de boala. Semiologia medical veterinara studiaza semnele prezentate de un animal pe parcursul evolutiei unei stari patologice. Aceasta este cea mai veche dintre disciplinele medical veterinare, stiindu-se ca primele aspecte pe care omul le-a pus in evidenta la un animal bolnav au fost semnele/ simptomele (simptoamele).Pentru evidentiere...


PRP: 63,00 Lei  47,25 LeiAdauga in cos
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Thrall s Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology
Improve your radiographic interpretation skills, regardless of your level of experience with Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology, 8th Edition, your one-stop resource for understanding the principles of radiographic technique and interpretation for dogs, cats, and horses. Within this bestselling text, high-quality radiographic images accompany clear coverage of diagnostic radiology, ultrasound, MRI, and CT. User-friendly direction helps you develop essential skills in patient positioning,...
PRP: 787,50 Lei  748,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis
Pocket-sized and concise, Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis: A Book of Lists, 4th Edition, is the essential reference to facilitate rapid diagnosis of medical problems in dogs and cats. This portable, manageable guide covers the differential diagnosis, etiology, clinical signs, and relevant laboratory abnormalities of the most common conditions you will encounter in small animal practice. Historical, clinical, and laboratory findings for many of these diseases are also included in a se...
PRP: 294,00 Lei  279,30 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Canine and Feline Cytopathology, A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide
Canine and Feline Cytopathology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide, 4th Edition provides a comprehensive overview of diagnostic cytopathology for companion animals, covering all body systems and fluids. Rapidly resolve diagnostic challenges with this guide to specimen collection and evaluation, featuring more than 2,400 photomicrographs that show cytology of normal structures to contrast and support identification of cytopathology of inflammatory, hyperplastic, and neoplastic lesions. Enhan...
PRP: 787,50 Lei  748,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat
The fourth edition of Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat remains the most extensively illustrated and practical small animal veterinary textbook on the market. It continues and expands on the revolutionary problem-based approach of the previous three editions, with more than 1,100 clinical color photographs, diagrams, and tables. The book is divided into five color-coded sections—General Approach, Diagnostic Techniques, Disease of Specific Organ Systems, Multisystemic Disorders, and Ele...
PRP: 819,00 Lei  778,05 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Infectious Diseases of the Horse Diagnosis, pathology, management, and public health
A clinician and a pathologist collaborate to create a comprehensive yet practical book about established infectious diseases of horses, categorised according to the different pathogens. The book evaluates the latest diagnostic aids, including rapid developments in molecular biology, while emphasising that they are no substitute for clinical observation and skills. The majority of equine infectious diseases caused by microbes and parasites are covered - bacterial, viral, protozoan, fungal, ectopa...
PRP: 840,00 Lei  798,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat A Color Handbook
The field of infectious diseases in veterinary medicine is both rewarding and challenging, and this book offers small animal veterinarians a lifeline by balancing relevant background, guidance and optimizing efficiency. It provides a pathway for clinicians through this complex field by highlighting the most clinically relevant aspects of a wide range of diseases, and granting them consideration for placement on dog and cat differential lists. Organized according to a system-based structure, all ...
PRP: 273,00 Lei  259,35 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The Racehorse A Veterinary Manual
The Racehorse: A Veterinary Manual has become the definitive text for primary care of the Thoroughbred racehorse. Written by one of the world’s leading racehorse veterinary clinicians, it sets out best practice standards of diagnosis and management of all the major conditions likely to be encountered in racehorse clinical practice, as well as comprehensively reviewing subjects as diverse as pre-purchase assessment and exercise physiology. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and...
PRP: 840,00 Lei  798,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
Detailed, standardized, step-by-step protocols for easy access to essential information in small animal emergency rooms and intensive care units Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, Second Edition offers a complete and clinically oriented reference for step-by-step detail on a wide range of procedures in the small animal emergency room and intensive care unit. Each protocol provides detailed instructions grounded in the evidence. The book is carefully...
PRP: 945,00 Lei  897,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat
A comprehensive up to date textbook for performing and interpreting urinalysis in dogs and cats with content that remains accessible to those in primary care and specialty practices. In Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat, a logical sequence to collection of urine, performing the complete urinalysis (physical and chemical properties along with urinary sediment microscopy), and interpretation of results is presented. The FAQ chapter and the chapter on urinalysis case examples provide easily accessible...
PRP: 262,00 Lei  248,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Plumb s Veterinary Drug Handbook
Find drug dosages and other critical information for prescribing drugs to animals quickly and efficiently in this fully updated new edition of this must-have veterinary resource The Tenth Edition of Plumb’s® Veterinary Drug Handbook updates the most comprehensive, detailed, and trusted source of drug information relevant to veterinary medicine. Covering dosages, drug interactions, adverse effects, and contraindications, among other key drug details, this bestselling book is a must for...
PRP: 577,00 Lei  548,15 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Atlas de dermatologie veterinara la caine si pisica
Introducere in diagnosticul dermatologic 1 Introducere 2 Tipare clinice ale afectiunilor dermatologice 3 Varsta de debut 8 Distributia leziunilor la nivelul corpului 8 Dermatoze bacteriene 13 Introducere 14 Intertrigo 15 Impetigo 18 Sindromul de suprapopulare bacteriana 19 Dermatita piotraumatica 20 Foliculita/furunculoza piotraumatica 21 Foliculita bacteriana superficiala 22 Piodermita cutaneo-mucoasa 24 Piodermita profunda a piramidei nazale 26 Piodermita mandibulara 27 Pododer...
PRP: 240,00 Lei  228,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Chirurgia animalelor mici. Atlas de tehnici chirurgicale pas cu pas
Volumul ,,Tehnici chirurgicale la animalele mici" este o selectie a procedurilor chirurgicale principale explicate in volumele precedente. Tehnicile chirurgicale se clasifica in functie de gradul de dificultate: tehnici de baza sau avansate. Aceste tehnici sunt dedicate diferitelor zone anatomice: sistemul cardiorespirator, sisetmul circulator, sistemul gastrointestinal, sistemul urogenital, sistemul reproducator si sistemul endocrin. Cartea cuprinde si unele tehnici de chirurgie fara sangerar...
PRP: 340,00 Lei  323,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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De la genom la boala vacii nebune
Boala vacii nebune a fost in atentia publicului foarte mult timp. Insa, daca doriti sa aflati mai multe informatii, documentate stiintific, despre aceasta, va recomandam cartea d-lui Berca. Lucrarea este structurata pe 10 capitole dupa cum urmeaza: Omul fata in fata cu el insusi, Clonarea la oameni, Efecte ale revolutiei genetice la specia umana, Prin hatisul proteinelor, Boala vacii nebune (B.S.E.), un nou dezastru pentru omul european, Relatia dintre stiinta si religie la inceputul secolului X...


PRP: 20,00 Lei  19,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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MOSBY - Ghid practic pentru veterinari - Practic, detaliat, rapid
Volumul de fata ofera acces instant la sute de date medicale veterinare, formule, valori de laborator, tehnici de ingrijire a animalelor si medicamente folosite frecvent.Acesta este ghidul ideal pentru orice medic sau tehnician veterinar. Informatiile clinice utilizate in practica zilnica, dar care sunt rareori memorate, pot fi acum consultate cu usurinta. Ghidul cuprinde 10 sectiuni colorate diferit si este organizat cu ajutorul separatoarelor. Rezultatul: ajungeti cat se poate de rapid la info...


Boli infectioase la solipede (Martin Pop)
Temele prezentate in aceasta carte sunt bolile bacteriene si cele virale. Din fiecare grupa de boli sunt prezentate: istoric, raspandire si importanta, etiologie, caractere epizootologice, patogeneza, tabloul clinic, modificarile morfopatologice, diagnostic, profilaxie si combatere pentru fiecare boala in parte. Sunt descrise, printre altele: antraxtul, listerioza, salmonella, colibaciloza, tuberculoza, bruceloza leptospiroza etc.,. dintre bolile bacteriene, variola, arterita infectioasa ecv...


Atlas de Oftalmologie Veterinara (Iuliana Ionascu)
"Atlasul de oftalmologie veterinara este o lucare realizata in 13 ani. Atlasul este structurat in 12 capitole, are 391 de pagini color si un numar de 1072 de fotografii.Un capitol din cele 12 ale atlasului este dedicat diagnosticului anatomo-patologic al catorva leziuni oculare si cuprinde 106 imagini, majoritatea fiind sectiuni histologice.Fiecare imagine din atlas este insotita de o legenda in limbile romana si engleza, sunt semnalate aspectele caracteristici leziunii respective, iar in unele ...