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Carti in categoria Neurologie

Functional neuroanatomy of the brain. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
”I have faith that God helps the sick through me. God gave me a brain, He gave me hands, He gave me reason and I have to use them for the good of mankind. For the sick, poor things, I did everything for them…”Leon DanailaAlso called the ”Brain sculptor”, appearing alongside Einstein among the 500 geniuses of the 21th century and one of the top 5000 personalities of the world, Academician Professor Doctor Leon Danaila is a famous neurosurgeon, considered the best in...
PRP: 600,00 Lei  450,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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The cells of the brain. A review book
EXEMPLAR IN LIMBA ENGLEZAIn the last decades we have witnessed a dramatic explosion within the neuroscience research. Within the frame of this informational explosion, the author of the book, a very famous neurosurgeon and titular member of the Romanian Academy, tried to encompass in a succint, rational, actual, comprehensive and effective synthesis the multitude of the data related to this ample domain. The author, who studied the brain cells for more than 55 years and reached less pertinent co...
PRP: 199,50 Lei  99,75 LeiAdauga in cos
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Apoteoza neurochirurgiei
Prolog......................................................................................................................9 Confesiuni ..........................................................................................................25 Oda chirurgiei.....................................................................................50 Credinta si chirurgie........................................................................69 Un mic model...........................................
PRP: 85,00 Lei  63,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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