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Carti in categoria Chirurgie

Manual de Chirurgie Orala, Anatomie, Patologie si Tehnici Chirurgicale - Adrian Mihail Nistor
Policromie, peste 1000 fotografii si ilustratii!Co-editie cu Societatea Italiana de Chirurgie Orala si Implantologie (SICOI)Realizat in colaborare cu Societatea Italiana de Chirurgie Orala si Implantologie (SICOI) si Casa Italiana de Editura ”EDRA Edizioni”, volumul “Manual de Chirurgie Orala” descrie fundamentele teoretice asociate cu aplicatiile practice ale principalelor proceduri chirurgicale ce intra in competenta medicului specialist de chirurgie dento-alveolara. In...
PRP: 400,00 Lei  380,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grabb and Smith s Plastic Surgery: Print + eBook with Multimedia
The definitive text for medical students and residents in plastic surgery, Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery, Ninth Edition, covers every aspect of this challenging field in up-to-date, easy-to-understand detail. Superb illustrations, convenient key points, and relevant review questions help you develop a deeper understanding of basic principles and prepare effectively for the In-Training Exam (ITE) and other certification exams. Dr. Kevin C. Chung leads a team of expert contributing autho...
PRP: 1029,00 Lei  977,55 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set
Comprehensive and fully up to date, Dr. Peter Neligan’s six-volume masterwork, Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced surgeon, it features new, full-color clinical photos, procedural videos, and lectures across all six volumes. Bonus material online includes additional text, images, and over 200 procedural videos that help you improve your mastery of the latest ...
PRP: 7770,00 Lei  7381,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Sabiston and Spencer Surgery of the Chest
The only text to cover the full range of adult cardiac, thoracic, and pediatric chest surgery, Sabiston and Spencer Surgery of the Chest provides unparalleled guidance in a single, two-volume resource. This gold standard reference, edited by Drs. Frank Sellke, Pedro del Nido, and Scott Swanson, covers today’s most important knowledge and techniques in cardiac and thoracic surgery—the information you need for specialty board review and for day-to-day surgical practice. Meticulously or...
PRP: 1785,00 Lei  1695,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Operative Techniques in Vascular Surgery
With an emphasis on the “hows and whys” of contemporary surgery,Operative Techniques in Vascular Surgery,Second Edition, features concise, bulleted text, full-color illustrations, and intraoperative photographs to clarify exactly what to look for and how to proceed. Drawn from the larger Operative Techniques in Surgery, Second Edition, this concise, stand-alone surgical atlas, overseen by editor-in-chief Mary T. Hawn and meticulously edited by Dr. Kellie R. Brown, focuses on the step...
PRP: 1365,00 Lei  1296,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Morgan and Mikhail s Clinical Anesthesiology Handbook
A high-yield, abridged version of the bestselling guide to general anesthesia and perioperative medicine Drawing from the trusted classic, Morgan and Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology Handbook has been pared down to the most essential information needed by anesthesia practitioners. The Handbook provides condensed, practical content relevant to clinical anesthesiology practice, covering topics within preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care. Many tables and figures have been retaine...
PRP: 262,50 Lei  249,38 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Interventional Cardiology Board Review 1400+ Questions and Answers: Print + eBook with Multimedia
Publisher s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. With two new editors and hundreds of new questions, this comprehensive new edition of 1133 Questions: An Interventional Cardiology Board Review, continues to serve as the perfect study aid for anyone taking the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) interventional cardiology board exam, either for the first...
PRP: 945,00 Lei  897,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting s Clinical Anesthesia: Print + eBook with Multimedia
Covering the full spectrum of clinical issues and options in anesthesiology, Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting's Clinical Anesthesia, Ninth Edition, edited by Drs. Bruce F. Cullen, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega, Sam R. Sharar, Natalie F. Holt, Christopher W. Connor, and Naveen Nathan, provides insightful coverage of pharmacology, physiology, co-existing diseases, and surgical procedures. This award-winning text delivers state-of-the-art content unparalleled in clarity and depth of coverage, as w...
PRP: 1207,50 Lei  1147,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Fischer s Mastery of Surgery
Timp de 40 de ani, Fischer's Mastery of Surgery a oferit o acoperire experta, foarte ilustrata, a procedurilor pe care chirurgii generali si stagiarii trebuie sa le cunoasca. Editia a opta complet revizuita, sub conducerea editoriala a Drs. E. Christopher Ellison, Gilbert R. Upchurch Jr., Philip A. Efron, Steven D. Wexner, Nancy D. Perrier, V. Suzanne Klimberg, John H. Stewart IV, Valerie W. Rusch, Jon C. Gould, Susan Galandiuk , Timothy M. Pawlik, William C. Chapman, Benjamin K. Poulose, Peter ...
PRP: 2205,00 Lei  2094,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Anestezia in prespital - Sebastian Daniel Tranca
AUTORISebastian Daniel Tranca (sub redactia)Cristina Laura PetrisorElena StefanescuMihaela CocisAndrei BalanMarius MuresanYusef Sallum Aceasta lucrare cuprinde aspecte esentiale legate de procedurile si tehnicile anestezice aplicate pacientului in prespital. Cartea reprezinta o sursa rapida de informatii necesare echipajelor medicale de urgenta. Datorita formatului sau este usor de consultat, cititorul putand localiza cu rapiditate informatia dorita. Utilizand scheme, grafice, algoritmi si tabel...
PRP: 60,00 Lei  57,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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