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Carti in categoria Cardiologie

Genomic and Molecular Cardiovascular Medicine
The Genomic and Molecular Cardiovascular Medicine largely focuses on pertinent genomic and molecular aspects of cardiovascular medicine relevant to all levels of clinical practice, from primary care to preventive healthcare. The book also focuses on practice applications of translational genomic and molecular developments and advances that impact on cardiovascular system structure and function. Each chapter is evidence-based and comprehensive, with in-depth, cutting-edge knowledge relevant to th...
PRP: 787,50 Lei  748,13 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Josephson s Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Techniques and Interpretations
Widely regarded as the premier text in this complex field, Josephson’s Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology, Seventh Edition, provides a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias and the therapeutic interventions used to treat them. Dr. David J. Callans, personally chosen and trained by Dr. Mark Josephson, provides expert clinical insights and superb illustrations that highlight proven approaches and methods. With its strong focus on physiologic investigation and its ro...
PRP: 1365,00 Lei  1296,75 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Nadas Pediatric Cardiology
In recent years, the field of pediatric cardiology has undergone rapid change, resulting in earlier diagnoses and improved long-term outcomes for many patients. Nadas' Pediatric Cardiology, 3rd Edition, offers an easy-to-understand, practical, and team-based approach to this complex field, addressing the current needs of pediatric cardiologists, surgeons, fellows, and other members of the pediatric cardiology team. It thoroughly covers all diagnostic and management aspects of both acquired and c...
PRP: 840,00 Lei  798,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Hypertension, A Companion to Braunwald s Heart Disease
Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on every aspect of managing and treating patients who suffer from hypertensive disorders. An invaluable resource for cardiologists, endocrinologists, and nephrologists, this one-stop reference covers all the latest developments from basic science to clinical trials and guidelines related to the treatment of common t...
PRP: 724,50 Lei  688,28 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Grossman and Baim s Handbook of Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention
An easily accessible, ready reference for the entire cardiac team, Grossman & Baim’s Handbook of Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention is an essential resource in today’s cardiac catheterization lab. This practical handbook, edited by Dr. Mauro Moscucci with contributions from associate editor, Marc D. Feldman, follows the bestselling text, Grossman & Baim's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention, providing fast, convenient access to authorita...
PRP: 378,00 Lei  359,10 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Clinical Lipidology, A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
Part of the renowned Braunwald family of references, Clinical Lipidology: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease provides today’s clinicians with clear, authoritative guidance on the therapeutic management of patients with high cholesterol levels and other atherogenic lipid disorders. An invaluable resource for cardiologists, lipidologists, endocrinologists, and internal medicine physicians, this one-stop reference covers everything from basic science and the pathogenesis of athero...
PRP: 735,00 Lei  698,25 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Kaplan s Cardiac Anesthesia
Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia: Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac anesthesiology, helping you to optimize perioperative outcomes, avoid complications, and ensure maximum patient safety. Dr. Joel A. Kaplan, along with an expert team of associate editors, guides you through today’s clinical challenges, including expanded coverage of critical care, the ...
PRP: 1680,00 Lei  1596,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure
The ESC Textbook of Heart Failure is the latest addition to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) publications portfolio and is fully supported by the European Heart Failure Association. The textbook brings together internationally renowned experts in the field of heart failure to present an up-to-date understanding of all aspects of this chronic condition that worsens with time. It is estimated that the worldwide population of patients suffering from heart failure is approximately 26 millio...
PRP: 1029,00 Lei  977,55 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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The EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD and CRT Troubleshooting Volumul 2
Following the success of the first volume of the EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD and CRT Troubleshooting a second volume with new cases has now been developed. A timely addition to the European Society of Cardiology, as device therapy has seen many new developments since the first volume, with the advent of leadless pacing, conduction system pacing, and subcutaneous ICDs, amongst other novelties. These new technologies are covered in the book, as are general device troubleshooting issues which were ...
PRP: 472,50 Lei  448,88 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Braunwald;s Heart Disease. A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (Ninth Edition)
Braunwald's Heart Disease remains your indispensable source for definitive, state-of-the-art answers on every aspect of contemporary cardiology. Edited by Drs. Robert O. Bonow, Douglas L. Mann, Douglas P. Zipes, and Peter Libby, this dynamic, multimedia reference helps you apply the most recent knowledge in molecular biology and genetics, imaging, pharmacology, interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, and much more. Weekly updates online, personally selected by Dr. Braunwald, continuously k...
PRP: 900,00 Lei  855,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Fundamentele Electrocardiografiei Clinice - Editia I
Volumul "Fundamentele electrocardiografiei clinice" se adreseaza celor care doresc sa invete rapid elementele de electrocardiografie, de la principiile fundamentale la aspectele terapeutice. Lucrarea de fata este structurata in capitole specifice care trateaza acest subiect complex intr-un format facil de asimilat si usor de consultat.Cartea abordeaza succesiv principiile fundamentale ale electrocardiografiei, cauzele diferitelor modificari patologice si relevanta clinica a acestora, precum si r...
PRP: 42,00 Lei  39,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Ghid complet de interpretare ECG
Complet actualizata pentru a tine pasul cu modificarile aduse de American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), cea de-a cincea editie a volumului Ghid comprehensiv de electrocardiografie aduce o modalitate unica si practica pentru medicii in formare, rezidenti dar si specialisti de a imbunatati abilitatile de interpretare a ECG. Formatul interactiv si aplicabilitatea cuprinzatoare a informatiilor sunt ideale pentru medicii care se pregatesc pentru cariera viitoare. Ghidul comprehensiv de electroc...
Cardiologie Clinica - Sub redactia lui Eduard Apetrei
Cuvant inainte - Cardiologie clinicaNu am dorit sa intocmim un dictionar de termeni sau metode, ci sa prezentam date cat mai utile pentru practica de zi cu zi. tinand seama de volumul enorm al informatiei medicale, cartea de fata nu a putut cuprinde toate progresele facute si nici nu era de dorit, autorii au selectat cele mai importante date cu aplicabilitate practica.Fiecare capitol se incheie cu “Privire spre viitor” in care ni se spune ce asteptam in urmatorii ani de la progresele...