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Sevastre, Ani-Simona
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Pharmaceutical technology of non-sterile liquid solutions. Laboratory Guidebook
PREFACE Nowadays, pharmacists are employed in many fields: community and hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry, drug control and management, academic and research. In all these areas, their purpose is to ensure optimum drug therapy, by contributing to the preparation, supply and control of medicines and by providing information and advice. Considering the dispersion degree as the classification criteria of the pharmaceutical formulations, the entitled „PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY OF NON...
PRP: 42,00 Lei  27,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Pharmaceutical technology of non-sterile liquid solutions. Lecture Notes
PrefaceFrom all industries, the pharmaceutical industry is the most regulated in the entire world, due to the potential threat to a patient's life from the use of pharmaceutical products. The science and the art of pharmaceutical formulation is continuously evolving, as new materials, machines and methods produce more reliable, stable and controlled release formulations. At the same time, globalization of pharmaceuticals brings challenges to regulatory authorities. This translates in more freque...


PRP: 42,00 Lei  31,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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