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Manuale scolare - Clasa a 8-a - Limba Engleza

Shine Level 3 Activity Book. Caiet de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework.The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group.In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language. Each to...


PRP: 47,00 Lei  42,30 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Shine Level 3 Grammar. Gramatica limbii engleze pentru clasa a VIII-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework.The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group.In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language. Each to...


PRP: 54,00 Lei  48,60 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Shine Level 3 Students Book. Manual de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework.The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group.In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language. Each to...


PRP: 73,00 Lei  65,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Shine Level 3 Teachers Book. Manualul profesorului de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework. The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group. In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language....