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Manuale scolare - Clasa a 11-a - Limba engleza

Curs de limba engleza Close-up B2 Students Book second edition, manual pentru clasa a XI-a (National Geographic Learning)
With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close-up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools 2015 specifications. Close-up is still as interesting, topical and up-to-date as ever with spectacular National Geographic photography and facts that have been carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of young teenagers.Develop's student's English with Close-up, a new four level course for B1,B1+, and C1 students suitable for exam pre...
Going for Gold Intermediate Class CD 1-2
Going for Gold sets students firmly on the road to PET and FCE exam success with a gentle introduction to exam tasks graded throughout the course.Format : CD audioAnul aparitiei : 2003


Going for Gold Intermediate Language Maximiser with Key
Use the Language MaximiserTo supplement the course book in class For homework or self-study Autori: Richard Acklam , Sally Burgess , Araminta Crace Data Publicarii : 01 Jan 2003 Format : Mixed media product


Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1 Class Audio CDs (Set 5 CD)
Componenta audio pentru manualul Upstream Advanced C1. Contine activitatile din manualul elevului pentru dezvoltarea abilitatii de ascultare si intelegere a unui mesaj in limba engleza, precum si pentru imbunatatirea pronuntiei. Autor: Virginia Evans si Lynda EdwardsAnul aparitiei : 2003
CAE Gold Plus Teacher s Resource Book. With December exam specifications
The Teacher s Book includes: full teaching notes with answer key and audio scriptphotocopiable resources and ideas to supplement the Coursebookunit and progress tests OMR answer sheets to create real exam conditions in the classroom First published 2008 Nr. pagini:184 ...


Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1. Caiet pentru clasa a XI-a
Caietul de activitati al cursului Upstream Advanced revizuit conform modificarilor aduse in 2008 formatului de examinare Cambridge, nivelul Advanced. Autori: Virginia Evans-Lynda Edwards-Jenny Dooley Nr. pagini: 136
Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1. Manualul profesorului pentru clasa a XI-a
Manualul profesorului pentru cursul Advanced revizuit conform modificarilor aduse in 2008 formatului de examinare Cambridge, nivelul Advanced. Autori: Virginia Evans-Lynda Edwards-Jenny Dooley Nr. pagini: 184
Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1. Manual pentru clasa a XI-a
Curs general pentru invatarea limbii engleze, nivel liceal, clasa a XI-a, este structurat in 5 module, fiecare incluzand 2 unitati de invatare. Fiecare modul dezvolta o anumita tema, intr-un mod atractiv prin intermediul ilustratiei, a tematicii si a modului de abordare a acesteia. Manualul dezvolta cele patru abilitati: vorbire, citire, scriere, ascultare, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, redarea unor dialoguri si situatii din viata reala si exercitii lexicale ce prezinta si active...
Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1. Class audio CDs (Set 8 CD)
Suport audio (8 CD-uri) pentru activitatile de listening din manualul Upstream Advanced revizuit si din caietul de activitati. Autori: Virginia Evans-Lynda Edwards-Jenny Dooley
Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1. Manualul profesorului pentru clasa a XI-a (Editie noua)
Manualul profesorului pentru cursul Advanced revizuit conform modificărilor aduse în 2008 formatului de examinare Cambridge, nivelul Advanced. Autori: Virginia Evans-Lynda Edwards-Jenny Dooley
Curs pentru limba engleza. Upstream Advanced C1. Manual pentru clasa a XI-a (Editie noua)
Curs general pentru invatarea limbii engleze, nivel liceal, clasa a XI-a, este structurat in 5 module, fiecare incluzand 2 unitati de invatare. Fiecare modul dezvolta o anumita tema, intr-un mod atractiv prin intermediul ilustratiei, a tematicii si a modului de abordare a acesteia. Manualul dezvolta cele patru abilitati: vorbire, citire, scriere, ascultare, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, redarea unor dialoguri si situatii din viata reala si exercitii lexicale ce prezinta si active...
Prospects students book advanced (Revised edition). Manual de limba engleza pentru clasa a XI-a
Prospects is a course for learners of English at secondary level. It has been specifically written for students in Central Europe. It is designed as a multi-level entry course enabling teachers to choose the entry point according to their students' needs and experience. Each level offers learners a strong grammatical base. A variety of motivating and stimulating activities give students the opportunity to consolidate their learning. The topics have been specifically chosen to appeal to teenagers...


CAE Gold PLus Maximiser and CD
CAE Gold PLus Maximiser and CD with key Pack, LONGMAN.The Maximiser is a unique combination of workbook and exam handbook, which can be used for immediate follow-up work in class or for homework, intensive exam preparation after completing the Coursebook, or by students preparing for the exam independently.The Maximiser:recycles and reviews the grammar and vocabulary presented in the Coursebookis packed with further language and skills practice in exam format for each exam paper with exam strate...


FCE Gold plus. Exam Maximiser with key and audio CD - editie veche
FCE Gold plus. Exam Maximiser with key and audio CD, Burgess, Sally .Gold Plus is the updated edition of Gold, the trusted exam preparation course for adult and young adult learners. FCE Gold Plus corresponds to level B2 of the Common European Framework.The Maximiser is a unique combination of workbook and exam handbook, which can be used for immediate follow-up work in class or for homework, intensive exam preparation after completing the Coursebook, or by students preparing for the exam indepe...


FCE Gold Plus (Coursebook) with CD. Manual Clasa X-a L1, XI-a L2
FCE Gold Plus (Coursebook)with CD. Manual Clasa X-a L1, XI-a L2, Longman. NEW for the December 2008 exam, Gold Plus is the updated edition of Gold, the trusted exam preparation course for adult and young adult learners. It combines a thorough exam syllabus with enjoyable topics and tasks making it a popular choice for teachers around the world. Deliver enjoyable, communicative classes with a strong emphasis on personalisation Build your students’ confidence with the regular review sectio...


Advanced Gold.Manual Clasa a XI-a L1, XII L2
THE BEST OF GOLD Clear emphasis on teaching, not just testing Step-by-step development of writing skills with samples compositions Emphasison personalisation gets students involved and interacting in class Enjoyable and contemporary topics with wide appeal Thorough language and skills training work to expand students`knowledge of English graded introduction to task types gradually familiarises students with exam requirements Songs, poetry and extracts from literature make exam preparation...


Going for Gold Intermediate.Caiet de exercitii L2 cls a XII-a
The course for adults and young adults that develops language skills and sets students firmly on the road to exam success.The Language Maximiser is packed with grammar and vocabulary consolidation and extension, plus extra reading, writing, listening and speaking practice to complement the coursebook. Autori: Richard Acklam , Sally Burgess , Araminta Crace Data aparitiei: Ianuarie 2003 Tip coperta: Brosata Numar pagini: 128


Limba Engleza (L2). Manual pentru clasa a XI-a, Ecaterina Comisel
Cuprins:Introductory testUnit 1 Equality of opportunitiesUnit 2 Nothing succeeds like successRevision and skills developmentUnit 3 Human rightsUnit 4 Today s worldRevision and skills developmentUnit 5 In the newsUnit 6 Time to take the floorRevision and skills developmentUnit 7 European heritageUnit 8 Going globalRevision and skills developmentUnit 9 Service industriesUnit 10 Cultural dimensionsRevision and skills developmentTest 1Test 2Final testTapescrips...
Limba engleza (L2) clasa a XI-a
ISBN: 973-568-552-3Format: 16 x 23Numar pagini: 128Anul aparitiei: 2001


Limba engleza L2. Manual. Surfing with English cls. a XI-a
Prezentare: Manualul de limba engleza, Surfing with English, este elaborat in stricta conformitate cu Programa scolara aprobata de Ministerul Educatiei nationale prin Ordinul nr. 4923 din 18.10.2000. Manualul poate fi utilizat ca metoda de predare/ invatare la clasele cu engleza ca limba a doua. Materialul este organizat in douasprezece unitati, dispuse astfel incat sa cuprinda teme dintre cele mai diverse si actuale: Stepping into the New Millennium, Memories, The Shift towards Nature, Home En...