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Carti in categoria Intensiv

Children Learning English. A guidebook for english language teachers
There is something special about teaching children. Jayne Moon's academic rigour and classroom experience inform every page of this book - but what shines through is a sense of the privilege it is to participate in someone's learning at this age in their lives. This is a practical handbook with lots of teaching suggestions - but it is also a source of inspiration. Key Features Reveals the special features of teaching foreign languages to young learners An inspiring read and a useful pra...


PRP: 195,00 Lei  175,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Campaign English for the military 3 Workbook with CD
Campaign combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of a good General English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen and women. Units range from How tanks fight to Operation orders to Aircraft carriers. There are topics and texts from a variety of international military contexts, including the US, the UK, NATO and the UN. Throughout, learning of key specialised military lexis goes hand in hand with the developem...


PRP: 71,00 Lei  63,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Campaign English for the military 3 Students Book
Campaign combines the rigorous language analysis of a good English for Specific Purposes course with the teachability of a good General English course. It deals with real issues that concern servicemen and women. Units range from How tanks fight to Operation orders to Aircraft carriers. There are topics and texts from a variety of international military contexts, including the US, the UK, NATO and the UN. Throughout, learning of key specialised military lexis goes hand in hand with the developem...


PRP: 152,00 Lei  136,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Engleza pentru stiinte politice si administrative, relatii internationale si jurnalism
Lucrarea de fata se orienteaza cu prioritate facultatilor de stiinte politice, administratie publica, relatii internationale, jurnalism, sociologie, prin textele actuale, alese cu precadere din sfera politicului si a libertatii presei, precum si prin tematica abordata în dezvoltarea vocabularului specific acestor zone de interes.


PRP: 19,27 Lei  14,45 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Advanced Gold Exam Maximiser Cassettes (2)
A unique combination of Workbook and Exam Handbook. Thorough exam training and language practice run parallel with practical tips, strategies and learner training to build students' confidence.


PRP: 36,90 Lei  33,21 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Go! 3 Class Cassettes (2)
Contains all the listening material in the Students\' Book - for example, dialogues from each unit, listening comprehension exercises, pronunciation activities, songs, raps, and the picture story. Anul aparitiei: 2003


PRP: 43,90 Lei  39,51 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Go for English! 1 Cassette
Go for English! 1 Cassette - Steve Elsworth. Anul aparitiei: 2003


PRP: 22,00 Lei  19,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Go for English! 2 Cassette
Go for English! 2 Cassette - Steve Elsworth. Anul aparitiei: 2003


PRP: 22,00 Lei  19,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Go for English! 3 Cassette
: 0 582 32871 3 Steve Elsworth ISBN: : 0 582 32871 3 Anul aparitiei: -


PRP: 22,00 Lei  19,80 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Global Links 1 SB & Audio CD
Your student will enjoy the international business flavour of Global Links. Each level is 40 hours and focuses on the basic language and grammar structures needed by busy professionals. Autori: Keith Adams, Rafael Dovale Anul aparitiei: 2007


PRP: 44,90 Lei  40,41 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Business English Pair Work 2
Gives intermediate students of Business English invaluable practice in communication skills. - Includes four different types of exercise: information-gap; discussion; role-play, and simulation - Exercises for student A and B in the same book - Intensive work on writing reports, negotiating budgets and contracts, consumer surveys, training, and executive recruitment - Special activities on small talk, social arrangements, telling anecdotes, exchanging opinions, and socialising - Detailed...


PRP: 79,90 Lei  71,91 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Engleza rapida, curs practic - Contine CD audio
Cursul rapid de limba engleza este structurat astfel:- Alfabetul; pronuntia- Lectii care contin lexic vehiculat intr-o posibila calatorie, in diverse situatii- Compediu de gramaticaCursul de fata se adreseaza tuturor celor care doresc sa invete singuri limba engleza intr-un timp scurt. Cartea contine lectii care descriu diferite situatii in care ne-am putea afla, si anume: intr-o excursie, la hotel, la restaurant, intr-o alta tara etc. Ca anexa, cartea cuprinde liste suplimentare, tabelul cu ver...
PRP: 19,95 Lei  13,97 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Practical Course of English (contine 2 CD-uri audio)
Lectiile, structurate in 20 de capitole, abordeaza diferite aspecte ale culturii si civilizatiei moderne britanice si americane, de la cinematografie pina la lumea modei, sport si sanatate, calatorii si petrecerea timpului liber. Textele sint insotite de exercitii practice de dezvoltare a vocabularului si a abilitatilor de comunicare, iar la sfirsitul lucrarii se gaseste un compendiu de gramatica, util pentru fixarea cunostintelor insusite. Cele doua CD-uri ajuta la imbunatatirea capacitatii de ...


PRP: 44,95 Lei  35,96 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare