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Carti in categoria Intensiv

Gateway A2 Students Book plus Gateway online (Multi level course)
Gateway is a multi-lever course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence, Gateway prepares students for their exams and life beyond the classroom.Anul aparitei: 2011Format: 21x30Nr.pagini: 167


PRP: 97,00 Lei  87,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gateway A2 level Class Audio2 CDs pentru clasa a V-a - Spencer David
The two audio CDs contain all the audio from the Student's Book. Year : 2011


PRP: 73,00 Lei  65,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Gateway A2 Students Book (Multi level course) - Manualul elevului pentru clasa a V-a
Gateway is a multi-lever course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence, Gateway prepares students for their exams and life beyond the classroom.Anul aparitei: 2011Format: 21x30Nr.pagini: 167


PRP: 80,00 Lei  72,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Gateway B1 Students Book plus Gateway online (Multi level course)
Gateway is a multi-lever course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence, Gateway prepares students for their exams and life beyond the classroom. Anul aparitei: 2011 Format: 21x30 Nr.pagini: 159


PRP: 81,00 Lei  72,90 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Gateway B1 Workbook (Multi level course)
Gateway is a multi-level course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence, Gateway prepares students for their exams and life beyond the classroom.Key feature of the workbook include:- Vocabulary and Grammar extension activities which develop and reinforce students' language skills- Developing speaking and supported writing sections which develop key skills for exam success- Revision u...


PRP: 53,00 Lei  47,70 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Gateway B1 Students Book (Multi level course)
Gateway is a multi-level course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence, Gateway prepares students for their exams and life beyond the classroom. Anul aparitei: 2011 Format: 21x30 Nr.pagini: 159


PRP: 97,00 Lei  87,30 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Gateway B1 plus Students Book (Multi level course)
Gateway is a multi-level course for students working towards their school-leaving examinations. By developing language and study skills and promoting learner confidence and independence, Gateway prepares students for their exams and life beyond the classroom.Anul aparitei: 2011Format: 21x30Nr.pagini: 159


PRP: 80,00 Lei  72,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare