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Carti in categoria Intensiv

Dangerous Journey Level 2 (Beginner - about 600 basic words) with audio CD
Four men are trapped in the forest.Heavy rain has turned the tracks into mud.The bridge across the river is broken.The men looked at the broken bridge and at the rushing water.Pedro spoke first: "How can we get back to base now?" Anul publicarii: 2010 Format: 13x20 Pagini: 39


PRP: 25,00 Lei  22,50 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Dangerous Journey Level 2 (Beginner - about 600 basic words)
Reader : Level 2 (Beginner -> about 600 basic words) Four men are trapped in the forest. Heavy rain has turned the traks into mud. The bridge across the river is broken. The men looked at the broken bridge and at the rushing water. Pedro spoke first: "How can we get back to base now?" -Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises Anul publicarii: 2009 Format: 13x20 Pagini: 39


PRP: 26,00 Lei  23,40 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare