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Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists. Edition 2
Familiarise yourself with essential accounting and finance principles for business decision-making. Connect your learning with relevant examples from real world businesses. Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists 12th Edition by Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney is a highly accessible introduction to the subject. It equips you with a solid foundation in the principles and practice of accounting and finance, thereby laying the groundwork necessary to make successful business decisions in your f...
PRP: 202,80 Lei  182,52 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists. Edition 1
Were you looking for the book with access to MyAccountingLab? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyAccountingLab. Buy Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists, Tenth Edition by Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney with MyAccountingLab access card 5e (ISBN 9781292135601) if you need access to MyLab as well, and save money on this resource. You will also need a course ID from your instructor to access MyAccountingLab. The 10th edition of this market-leading text offers an...