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Ready for C2 Proficiency, SB with Key, with APP & Digital SB
The bestselling READY FOR series has been helping students prepare for their exams for over twenty years. The brand-new READY FOR C2 Proficiency continues to provide the in-depth exam training for which the course is known. READY FOR sections focus on each paper of the exam in more detail ensuring that students feel fully confident before taking their exam. In each unit, all four language skills are systematically developed and practiced, so even if students are not taking the exam, they will d...


PRP: 149,00 Lei  134,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Ready for C2 Proficiency, workbook with Key  digital WB & acces to audio
The bestselling Ready for series has been helping students prepare for exams for over twenty years. The all-new Ready for C2Proficiency Workbook continues to provide in-depth exam training. The Workbook correlates with the Ready for C2 Proficiency textbook. Student's Book with key + Digital Student's Book. Ready for sections focus on each exam paper in detail, ensuring students feel confident before they sit the exam. In each unit, all four language skills are systematically developed and pract...


PRP: 115,00 Lei  103,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Inorganic Chemistry
Build a strong foundation in physical-inorganic chemistry with this internationally renowned text. Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, Global edition, by Catherine E Housecroft and Alan G Sharpe, is a widely respected introduction to the physical-inorganic principles of chemistry. With new research, this edition introduces you to the descriptive chemistry of the elements and the role played by inorganic chemistry in our everyday lives. Its carefully developed pedagogical approach helps you engage...
PRP: 202,80 Lei  182,52 LeiAdauga in cos
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Learn English with polly. My First English Workbook
„Learn English with Polly. My First English Workbook“ corespunde nivelului A1 de invatare a limbii engleze si este adresata micilor scolari, profesorilor si tuturor celor care doresc sa invete limba engleza. Copiii vor descoperi cuvinte, structuri, propozitii integrate in contexte specifice de comunicare, in situatii care sa le starneasca interesul si curiozitatea. Ilustratiile viu colorate atrag prin vivacitate si exemplifica intr-un mod placut conceptele invatate, sprijinind inte...


PRP: 20,00 Lei  16,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right On! 1 - Grammar Book Teachers (with Digibooks App)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 57,00 Lei  51,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Academy Stars Level 4 Workbook With Digital Workbook
Academy Stars is a lively and interactive primary course that combines a comprehensive skills syllabus with the innovative Graphic Grammar approach to support young learners as they aspire to excellence. The Workbook provides lesson-by-lesson written practice of structural forms, core vocabulary, and reading and writing skills to reinforce the Pupil’s Book content. Engaging, contextualised activities make language practice meaningful and purposeful, and specifically designed writing pract...


PRP: 40,00 Lei  36,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gold Experience 2nd Edition, B1+ Pre-First for Schools, Student's Book and Interactive eBook
Gold Experience 2nd Editionis a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. This unique 8-level exam course for teenagers takes the learners smoothly from beginner up to advanced level. It's the most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. Exam-focused content is skilfully built into a motivating lesson flow. Teenagers can gradually build the language, exam skills ...
PRP: 110,40 Lei  99,36 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gold Experience 2nd Edition, B1+ Pre-First for Schools, Student's Book with Online Practice Pack
Gold Experience 2nd Editionis a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. This unique 8-level exam course for teenagers takes the learners smoothly from beginner up to advanced level. It's the most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. Exam-focused content is skilfully built into a motivating lesson flow. Teenagers can gradually build the language, exam skills ...
PRP: 158,90 Lei  143,01 LeiAdauga in cos
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English Made Easy. A workbook for 2nd grade students
Copiii au nevoie de o motivatie puternica in etapele incipiente de studiu al limbii engleze, iar invatarea prin activitati placute, amuzante si, in acelasi timp, provocatoare le stimuleaza pe de o parte curiozitatea, iar pe de alta parte procesele cognitive. Modern si accesibil, distractiv si practic, original si stimulativ, English Made Easy este un auxiliar didactic care porneste de la aceasta idee si faciliteaza imbogatirea si perfectionarea cunostintelor de limba engleza printr-o gama varia...
PRP: 43,90 Lei  30,73 LeiAdauga in cos
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Povesti de la ferma - Farm Stories. Engleza prin imagini (editie bilingva)
Simon isi sarbatoreste ziua de nastere cu multi prieteni la ferma: se plimba cu tractorul, se joaca in fan, mangaie animalele si la sfarsit participa la un foc mare de tabara. Florin si Florina, pe de alta parte, isi cauta pisicuta in toata ferma si o gasesc intr-un loc neobisnuit. Aceasta carte este incantatoare pentru cei mici si ii ajuta sa invete engleza cu ajutorul imaginilor. Contine imagini care inlocuiesc cuvinte-cheie si propozitii scurte in romana si engleza. Titlul Povesti de la f...
PRP: 34,00 Lei  23,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gramatica limbii engleze usoara si compacta
Stiti ce?! Gramatica limbii engleze poate fi chiar amuzanta. Volumul de fata prezinta cele mai importante aspecte gramaticale ale limbii engleze, dublate de imagini care ilustreaza cu ingeniozitate si umor temele centrale. Scopul acestui auxiliar nu este sa fie un instrument pur teoretic, ci mai degraba sa ofere o sinteza deopotriva necesara si accesibila. La finalul fiecarui capitol, veti putea sa va exersati cunostintele dobandite. Rezolvarile se gasesc la sfarsitul cartii. Nu va aglomerati...
PRP: 23,90 Lei  21,03 LeiAdauga in cos
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Graded Reader. Shakespeare Tragedies with MP3 CD Level B1.2 (British English)
Global ELT brings Shakespeare’s most powerful and influential tragedies to its line of Global Compass Graded Readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read the stories of the moor Othello, the ambitious Macbeth, the aging King Lear, the philosophical Hamlet and the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. Students and teachers alike will be entranced with this collection of some of the most celebrated plays in the history of the E...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  27,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Writing Success. Level A1+ to A2.Overprinted edition with answers
No Learner Is Too Young to Write!(Very) Young Learners can barely write their own name! Maybe they can copy a few letters, or even words from the board. Older children are struggling to write well in their own language. So, how can they write in English?Young Learners can do a lot more writing than we think. Yes, they can’t do what most of us consider ‘proper writing’, i.e., emails,letters, stories or essays.However, it’s a good idea to get them started on writing as earl...


PRP: 67,00 Lei  60,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Writing Success. Level A1. Overprinted edition with answers
No Learner Is Too Young to Write!(Very) Young Learners can barely write their own name! Maybe they can copy a few letters, or even words from the board. Older children are struggling to write well in their own language. So, how can they write in English?Young Learners can do a lot more writing than we think. Yes, they can’t do what most of us consider ‘proper writing’, i.e., emails,letters, stories or essays.However, it’s a good idea to get them started on writing as earl...


PRP: 67,00 Lei  60,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Illustrated Idioms. Levels: B1 and B2. Book 2. Teachers book
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs are quite difficult for students to learn. Some of the most common ones are dealt with in these two books.Each book consists of 10 Units; there are also 2 Review Units, (units: 1-5, and 6-10) which revise and consolidate the Idioms and the Phrasal verbs that students have already been taught.The books aim to build up students' knowledge of Idioms and phrasal verbs through full colour illustrations. The Idioms and the phrasal verbs are recycled throughout each unit throug...


PRP: 59,00 Lei  53,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Vocabulary Files A2. Teachers book
The Vocabulary Files series consists of 5 Books, 64 pages each, for CEF Levels: A1- A2 - B1 - B2 - C1 - C2 The aim of the series is to give students the chance to expand their vocabulary in different areas. Each unit deals with a common Vocabulary topic; the vocabulary is taught through a variety of exercises with lots of illustrations to make them more lively and interesting. This series can be used as Time Fillers; when teachers have some extra time and they need something to do to help stude...


PRP: 48,00 Lei  43,20 LeiAdauga in cos
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Succeed in Cambridge English Advanced CAE. 10 Practice Tests NEW 2015 FORMAT. Teachers book
10 complete Cambridge CAE Practice Tests Exam Guide analysing all the different exam tasks for the 4 Papers of the 2015 CAE exam


PRP: 95,00 Lei  85,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Smart Skills for B1 Preliminary. Preparation for the Revised Exam from 2020. Self study Edition
Smart Skills Cambridge B1 Preliminary consists of 8 theme-based units based on engaging topics from the B1 Preliminary official syllabus. The units provide extensive exam preparation for both the B1 Preliminary and the B1 Preliminary for Schools exams. Each unit covers the necessary Vocabulary (from the official word lists), Grammar (from the official syllabus) and ALL the exam tasks in all 4 skills: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking QR Codes are used for the listening section, for free and...


PRP: 115,00 Lei  103,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Movers Pack (Succeed in Movers  2018 Format  8 TESTS and i-Move) Students books with Audio CD and Answer Key
Succeed in Movers - 2018 Format 8 complete Practice Tests: 6 in the book, plus 2 fully interactive tests for the computer-based exam for young learners who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Movers exam (from 2018). The tests consist of full-colour attractive illustrations and fun activities that are appealing to young learners.​i-Move - 2018 Format 15 lessons with Vocabulary and Grammar activities that help students practise using the language. 6 units with short texts, Reading,...


PRP: 135,00 Lei  121,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A1 MOVERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
8 complete Practice Tests: 6 in the book, plus 2 fully interactive tests for the computer-based exam for young learners who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Movers exam (from 2018). The tests consist of full-colour attractive illustrations and fun activities that are appealing to young learners. The Teacher’s Guide includes information about the marking scheme, the answers to all the exercises, the Movers vocabulary list, examples of the type of interaction expected in the...


PRP: 89,00 Lei  80,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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