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Dead End for Murder. Reader and Delta Augmented
Great Stapleton, a small country town in the South of England, is not much bigger than a village. It is not the kind of place where people are murdered. So when the postman comes into the police station one morning to tell the police that Colonel Townsend has been murdered, Inspector Chapman thinks he is joking. When he sees the body, he knows that this is no joke. As he starts his investigation, he quickly discovers that there is a lot more going on in Great Stapleton then he had imagined&helli...
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The Master Spies of Selby Road. Reader and Delta Augmented
Ronny and his friends live in Selby Road. One day he shows them a present he got from his aunt. It is a spy kit and is full of disguises, invisible ink and codes. At first they have fun together as they try on the disguises and work out the codes. Grosmont House is a big, empty house near Selby Road, and the children sometimes play there. One night, Kate sees flashing lights coming from the house. Why is somebody in the house? Is this a code? The Master Spies of Selby Road quickly work together ...
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