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Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A1 MOVERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
8 complete Practice Tests: 6 in the book, plus 2 fully interactive tests for the computer-based exam for young learners who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Movers exam (from 2018). The tests consist of full-colour attractive illustrations and fun activities that are appealing to young learners. The Teacher’s Guide includes information about the marking scheme, the answers to all the exercises, the Movers vocabulary list, examples of the type of interaction expected in the...


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Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A1 MOVERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Overprinted book
8 complete Practice Tests: 6 in the book, plus 2 fully interactive tests for the computer-based exam for young learners who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Movers exam (from 2018). The tests consist of full-colour attractive illustrations and fun activities that are appealing to young learners. Teacher's Overprinted book


Cambridge YLE. Succeed in Pre-A1 STARTERS  2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Overprinted Book
8 complete Practice Tests: 6 in the book, plus 2 fully interactive tests for the computer-based exam for young learners who are preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Starters exam (from 2018). The tests consist of full-colour attractive illustrations and fun activities that are appealing to young learners.