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Carti in categoria Engleza

Recomandari in categoria Engleza

Ghid de conversatie roman-englez (editia a IV-a)
Acest ghid de conversatie va ajuta sa comunicati simplu si eficient, chiar daca sunteti incepator intr-ale englezei. Conceput pentru a intampina orice fel de situatie si nevoie a romanului aflat printre vorbitori ai limbii engleze, ghidul promite orientarea usoara in text si conversatii reusite. - 1 200 de propozitii si fraze uzuale - 800 de cuvinte tematice - 5 000 de cuvinte-titlu in dictionar - Transcriere fonetica - Recomandari si avertismente...


PRP: 17,90 Lei  14,32 LeiAdauga in cos
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Dictionar tematic englez
Dictionarul tematic este organizat pe categorii si subcategorii, acoperind o gama larga de domenii precum stiinta, cultura si arta, afaceri, sanatate, educatie,transport etc. Fiecare tema este detaliata si cuprinde termeni relevanti. Continutul este unul usor de parcurs, exista un cuprins detaliat pentru fiecare capitol si subcapitol, iar termenii si sintagmele care se regasesc in cele peste 600 de pagini au ca scop atat imbogatirea vocabularului, cat si dezvoltarea bagajului de cunostinte ge...


PRP: 79,90 Lei  63,92 LeiAdauga in cos
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Engleza. Ghid de conversatie Roman-Englez, cu dictionar si gramatica, editia a V-a
Cu dictionar bilingv englez-roman/roman-englez si elemente de gramatica.Acest ghid este impartit in capitole tematice, fiind astfel accesibil si usor de consultat. La sfarsitul sectiunilor gasiti numeroase ponturi si recomandari utile.El va este de un real folos in calatorii, atat in situatiile cotidiene, cat si in cele neprevazute, chiar daca cunoasteti limba la nivel de incepator.Instrument de comunicare inainte de toate, ghidul de fata pune accentul pe claritate, pe comunicarea activa si pe o...


PRP: 29,90 Lei  23,92 LeiAdauga in cos
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Vorbar roman-englez, editia a II-a
Stii vorba aia...Nu? Caut-o in noul Vorbar de la Linghea! Acest produs unic pe piata din Romania reuneste sub copertile sale avantajele unui dictionar si ale unui ghid de conversatie. Contine cuvinte-cheie aranjate alfabetic, cuvinte care acopera vocabularul de baza al limbii engleze. Pentru fiecare cuvant-titlu vei gasi numeroase propozitii si expresii. 1000 de cuvinte-cheie 13 000 de propozitii si fraze utile Note lexicale si gramaticale


PRP: 34,90 Lei  27,92 LeiAdauga in cos
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Learn English with polly. My First English Workbook
„Learn English with Polly. My First English Workbook“ corespunde nivelului A1 de invatare a limbii engleze si este adresata micilor scolari, profesorilor si tuturor celor care doresc sa invete limba engleza. Copiii vor descoperi cuvinte, structuri, propozitii integrate in contexte specifice de comunicare, in situatii care sa le starneasca interesul si curiozitatea. Ilustratiile viu colorate atrag prin vivacitate si exemplifica intr-un mod placut conceptele invatate, sprijinind inte...


PRP: 20,00 Lei  17,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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Dictionar roman-englez, englez-roman (60000 cuvinte)
Dictionar roman-englez, englez-roman de Georgeta Nichifor Editie revizuita. Cele doua dictionare sunt lucrari actuale, explicite, elaborate dupa cele mai recente surse lingvistice. Ele sunt alcatuite pe familii de cuvinte, ceea ce le da concizie si il pun pe cititor la curent cu termenii uzuali intrebuintati in prezent. cele peste 60.000 de cuvinte sunt instrumente necesare celeor ce studiaza limba engleza, precum si traducatorilor....


PRP: 49,00 Lei  41,65 LeiAdauga in cos
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Academy Stars Level 4 Workbook With Digital Workbook
Academy Stars is a lively and interactive primary course that combines a comprehensive skills syllabus with the innovative Graphic Grammar approach to support young learners as they aspire to excellence. The Workbook provides lesson-by-lesson written practice of structural forms, core vocabulary, and reading and writing skills to reinforce the Pupil’s Book content. Engaging, contextualised activities make language practice meaningful and purposeful, and specifically designed writing pract...


PRP: 40,00 Lei  38,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Inorganic Chemistry
Build a strong foundation in physical-inorganic chemistry with this internationally renowned text. Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, Global edition, by Catherine E Housecroft and Alan G Sharpe, is a widely respected introduction to the physical-inorganic principles of chemistry. With new research, this edition introduces you to the descriptive chemistry of the elements and the role played by inorganic chemistry in our everyday lives. Its carefully developed pedagogical approach helps you engage...
PRP: 202,80 Lei  192,66 LeiAdauga in cos
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Exercitii si teste de gramatica engleza. Timpurile verbale
Exercitii si teste de gramatica engleza trateaza pe larg timpurile verbale din limba engleza present si present perfect, timpurile trecute, modalitatile de exprimare a viitorului, vorbirea indirecta. Fiecare capitol contine exercitii de formare a timpurilor verbale si de utilizare a acestora in diverse contexte, exercitii recapitulative si teste. Partea de final a volumului este dedicata formarii deprinderii de a traduce din limba engleza, oferindu-se modele de rezolvare a unor exercitii. Tex...


PRP: 45,00 Lei  39,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gramatica fara stres. Limba engleza
Gramatica limbii engleze va da batai de cap? Inca nu stapaniti aceasta limba? Puteti sa va imprieteniti cu engleza si sa scapati de stres. Cum asa? Foarte usor!• In primul rand, identificati problemele, apoi concentrati-va pe ceea ce conteaza. Cele mai importante lucruri sunt explicate pentru fiecare tema, iar accentul este pus pe ceea ce trebuie sa stiti cu adevarat.• Invatati gramatica intr-un mod distractiv cu ajutorul versurilor unor cantece cunoscute si al numeroaselor exemple din...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  28,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Ready for C2 Proficiency, SB with Key, with APP & Digital SB
The bestselling READY FOR series has been helping students prepare for their exams for over twenty years. The brand-new READY FOR C2 Proficiency continues to provide the in-depth exam training for which the course is known. READY FOR sections focus on each paper of the exam in more detail ensuring that students feel fully confident before taking their exam. In each unit, all four language skills are systematically developed and practiced, so even if students are not taking the exam, they will d...


149,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Ready for C2 Proficiency, workbook with Key  digital WB & acces to audio
The bestselling Ready for series has been helping students prepare for exams for over twenty years. The all-new Ready for C2Proficiency Workbook continues to provide in-depth exam training. The Workbook correlates with the Ready for C2 Proficiency textbook. Student's Book with key + Digital Student's Book. Ready for sections focus on each exam paper in detail, ensuring students feel confident before they sit the exam. In each unit, all four language skills are systematically developed and pract...


115,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Career Paths. Medical Students Book with Cross-Platform Application (Stare: noua, cu defecte la cotor)
Cartea face parte din Campania SALVEAZA O CARTE, nu o judeca dupa coperta! Carti iubitoare cauta casuta primitoare si vin cu 50% reducere! Se afla in stare buna, cu doar cateva defecte pe coperta, pe care le poti vedea in galeria de poze a fiecarui produs din campanie! Aceasta apartine edituriiEXPRESS PUBLISHING. Career Paths English: Medical is a new educational source for medical professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specifi...
PRP: 57,00 Lei  28,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Hello English! Volumul II
Bucura-te de o calatorie distractiva si captivanta in limba engleza! Hello English pentru nivelul pre-intermediar este o modalitate creativa de a-ti oferi exercitii interactive, imagini si activitati distractive in fiecare capitol. Poti explora subiecte interesante si utile intr-un mod plin de culoare si entuziasm. Vei invata vocabular uzual despre filme, arta, sport si activitati care sa te ajute sa iti dezvolti cu usurinta comunicarea. Cu patru capitole captivante si un planificator de studiu ...


PRP: 40,00 Lei  36,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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English with Drago. Caiet de lucru.
Caietul de lucru ENGLISH WITH DRAGO reprezinta un excelent instrument pentru elevii care isi doresc sa aprofundeze, intr-o maniera antrenanta si jucausa, cunostintele dobandite in clasa. Destinat incepatorilor, ENGLISH WITH DRAGO cuprinde zece unitati structurate pe diverse teme de comunicare. Copiii vor patrunde in universul fascinant al limbii engleze si vor fi insotiti la fiecare pas de dragonasul Drago si de prietenii sai. Purtati pe aripi de magie prin universul cuvintelor, elevii vor inva...
PRP: 26,90 Lei  23,67 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de Limba Engleza. Grammar and Vocabulary Booster. Manualul Profesorului cu Digibook APP
Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 is intended for learners at CEFR level B2. It consists of 14 units and it aims to help learners understand and use English grammar and vocabulary at B2 level through structurally graded material, realistic texts and full-colour pictures. Key features: - Condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by a variety of exercises and a revision section at the end of each unit - B2 vocabulary presentation and practice by topic as well as practice on phrasa...
PRP: 95,00 Lei  90,25 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs de Limba Engleza. Grammar and Vocabulary Booster. Manualul Elevului cu Digibook APP
Grammar & Vocabulary Booster B2 is intended for learners at CEFR level B2. It consists of 14 units and it aims to help learners understand and use English grammar and vocabulary at B2 level through structurally graded material, realistic texts and full-colour pictures. Key features: - Condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by a variety of exercises and a revision section at the end of each unit - B2 vocabulary presentation and practice by topic as well as practice on phrasa...
PRP: 89,00 Lei  84,55 LeiAdauga in cos
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Formula B2 First Exam Trainer without Key Digital Resources and Interactive eBook
- works either as a standalone component or in combination with the Formula B2 First Coursebook - easy-to-use preparation in the order of the Cambridge exam, working systematically through each paper and part, from Reading Part 1 to Speaking Part 4 - a Test, Teach, Test approach for each part of each paper - each section starts with a mini practice task (Test) that reflects the Cambridge exam, which is followed by extensive and focused strategies and skills exercises for improving performance...
PRP: 64,60 Lei  61,37 LeiAdauga in cos
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Right On! 1 - Grammar Book Teachers (with Digibooks App)
Right On! is a challenging series at CEFR Levels A1-B1.1. The series provides stimulating topics and interesting texts in themed modules. The series aims to develop the 21st century skills today's learners need to face the challenges of the modern world. Key Features: - Themed based modules. - Variety of reading texts (blog entries, emails, text messages, articles, stories ect) accompanied by videos related to them. - Realistic everyday dialogues. - Vocabulary presentation and practice. - ...
PRP: 51,00 Lei  48,45 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gold Experience 2nd Edition, B1+ Pre-First for Schools, Student's Book and Interactive eBook
Gold Experience 2nd Editionis a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school. This unique 8-level exam course for teenagers takes the learners smoothly from beginner up to advanced level. It's the most engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. Exam-focused content is skilfully built into a motivating lesson flow. Teenagers can gradually build the language, exam skills ...
PRP: 110,40 Lei  104,88 LeiAdauga in cos
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