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Shakespeare, William
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Reading and Training: The Taming of the Shrew + audio CD
Baptista’s two beautiful daughters are ready for marriage. Bianca, pursued in love by three different suitors, cannot marry until someone dares to marry her sister, the proud and contemptuous Katharine. Then Petruchio arrives in Padua and proposes to Katharine. Will he be able to turn her into a model of devotion and obedience?


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Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Shakespeare, William)
The most famous play by the world’s most famous dramatist begins with Hamlet’s return to Denmark after the sudden and unexpected death of his father, the King. One night the ghost of the old King appears to Hamlet and tells him that he was poisoned – by his brother! The ghost makes Hamlet promise to take revenge, but will Hamlet be able to keep his promise?...


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