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Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Tip afisare:
Green Apple - Life Skills: Little Lord Fauntleroy + online audio + App
What happens when a poor young boy from New York City suddenly finds himself in a beautiful English castle with a rich and angry old grandfather? Will he be able to become an English lord? Or will someone else try to take his place? An incredible and exciting story of how love, friendship and kindness can change people and the world we live in.


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The Secret Garden (Burnett, Frances Hodgson)
Mary Lennox is a spoilt little girl who goes to live with her uncle on his enormous estate in Yorkshire after the death of her parents in India. She explores the grounds of the estate, finds a secret garden and meets Dickon and Colin. This is a story of friendship and hope, where Mary learns the importance of caring for and helping others.


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The Secret Garden + Audiobook: The Secret Garden + audio CD/CD-ROM
Note! All audio files are available on the publisher's website After the death of her parents in India, Mary Lennox goes to live with an uncle in Yorkshire, England. Her life is sad and uneventful until she discovers the secret garden and the meaning of true friendship and happiness.


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