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Leer y aprender: El sueno de Goya + App + DeA LINK
Una clase de Arte muy aburrida; los estudiantes bostezan y se despistan, pero a la profesora se le ocurre una idea: hablar del genio de la pintura española Francisco de Goya a partir del misterio que envuelve su vida o, mejor dicho, su muerte: la desaparición de su calavera. Entre brujas, guerras y desapariciones, el retrato de un pintor revolucionario.


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Leer y aprender - Competencias para la Vida: Misterio en Buenos Aires + App + De
Cuatro estudiantes de un instituto de Barcelona, junto con sus compañeros, realizan el viaje de fin de curso a Buenos Aires. En la capital argentina, los cuatro amigos encuentran por casualidad el mapa de un famoso explorador y, convirtiéndose en detectives, comienzan una serie de aventuras en busca de un misterioso tesoro.


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Leer y aprender - Competencias para la Vida: Mundo del fin del mundo + App + DeA
Un adolescente que desea ser navegante y ballenero. La visión espantosa de la caza de cetáceos convierte su entusiasmo en desilusión. Años más tarde, ya adulto, volverá al mundo del fin del mundo como periodista comprometido para denunciar los abusos en la caza de cetáceos y luchar contra la depredación de los mares.


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Lire et s entrainer - Competences de la Vie: Poil de carotte + App + DeA LIN
Le jeune Poil de Carotte, aux cheveux roux et aux taches de rousseur, vit avec sa mère, véritable tyran, son père souvent absent et indifférent, son frère et sa soeur qui aiment lui jouer des tours. Lis ses aventures et découvre comment notre héros réussit à s’en sortir !


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Lire et s entrainer - Competences de la Vie: Un sac de billes + App + DeA LI
1941: France is invaded by Nazi Germany. 10-year-old Joseph and his brother, 12-year-old Maurice, live in Paris with their parents. They are Jews. To escape the anti-Jewish laws, the two children set off across the country on their own. Clever and bright, they manage to avoid a series of traps and escape the worst. A tragic true story, yet full of hope and love.


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Lire et s entrainer: Marie Curie: Une vie pour les sciences + App + DeA LINK
Marie Curie is universally famous in science. Her passion for scientific research, her unrivalled energy and determination led to the incredible discovery of radium and its applications. Even now, her amazing life – from Warsaw to Paris – is still a subject of reflection and inspiration.


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Green Apple: A New Atlantis + App + DeA LINK
Atlantis was once an advanced civilisation where everybody lived in peace. But when the rains come everybody knows it will be destroyed. Ryan, a slave, and Daria, a princess, tell the story of its last days, how they built a new Atlantis and how two enemies eventually became friends.


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Green Apple: The Lighthouse Ghost + App + DeA LINK
Megan and Alex live in beautiful Caravel Cove, but one day something terrible happens: hundreds of dead fish are on the beach! No one knows why. Strange things are happening at the old lighthouse. Is Black Barney’s ghost back? What does old Mr Johnson really know? Megan, Alex and their friend Steve start to investigate and the truth is shocking!


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The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde
A respected scientist, a mysterious will, a strange door and an evil and violent man. What connects these people and events? Mr Utterson, a lawyer and friend to Dr Jekyll, has decided to find out. One of Stevenson’s best-loved novels: a thrilling story of science, curiosity and the darker side of human nature.


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Green Apple - Life Skills: The Halloween Secret + App + DeA LINK
Is Halloween a magic night? Do witches still haunt Salem, Massachusetts? What secrets does an old cemetery hold? Discover what happens to Janet and Dave when an ancestor from long ago appears and gives them a mysterious riddle to solve…


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Green Apple - Life Skills: A Christmas Carol + App + DeA LINK
Ebenezer Scrooge doesn’t like Christmas, and he doesn’t like people. He’s a cold, hard man. He only loves money! But on Christmas Eve something strange happens: some ghosts visit him! They show him his past life, his life now and a possible future. Will old Scrooge learn anything from the ghosts?


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Earlyreads: The Scarecrow and the Sunflower + App
Chris is a scarecrow who lives in a cornfield. It’s summer, he’s hot and thirsty and nobody can help him. The bees, the ants and the lizards are very busy. Finally autumn comes and then winter. The scarecrow is cold and feels alone. He sleeps for a long time and when he wakes up there is a yellow flower near him. It’s a sunflower and can do magic things....


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Lire et s entrainer - Competences de la Vie: Plus jamais ca ! + CD + App +
Lancelot Léger déteste aller en classe. Pourtant, son collège est chouette et ses profs sont sympas. Mais Lancelot est un bon élève, petit, gros et aux cheveux roux. Cela est suffisant pour faire de lui la cible préférée de Kylian et de ses trois complices. Lancelot devra-t-il toujours subir ou pourra-t-il un jour dire "plus jamais ça" ? Dans ce livre, tu trouveras aussi : des exercices de grammaire, de vocabulaire, de compréh...


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