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Earlyreads: Ali Baba and the Forty Theives
Ali Baba’s life changes on the day he sees forty thieves hiding their treasure in a secret cave and hears the thieves’ leader say the words ‘Open Sesame’ to get into the cave. But before Ali and his family can enjoy the riches, Ali finds there are many dangers they have to face…


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Reading and Training: A Dream Come True + audio CD
Ellie is mad about music: she dreams of becoming a singer and she desperately wants to go to the Glastonbury Festival, where her favourite singer, Murphy, will be playing.


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Reading and Training: Miami Police File: the O Nell Case + audio CD/CD-ROM + App
Peter O’Nell, Montego High School’s favorite teacher, goes missing in the Bermuda Triangle, and the Miami Police can’t seem to solve the case. After an unusual Halloween party, three of his teenage students decide to investigate the case with the help of O’Nell’s dog, Rover. A ghostly appearance and strange clues lead Bill, Michelle and Nick to the popular wax museum, to O’Nell’s old home and to a millionaire’s yacht. But the truth behind O&rsquo...


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Green Apple: The Black Arrow + audio CD
Set in 15th-century England, this is the exciting story of Richard Shelton and the band of the Black Arrow. Sir Daniel is like a father to Richard, but one day Richard discovers a terrible truth from the past.


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Earlyreads: Aesop s Fables
Early Reads are beautifully illustrated, which encourage reading and actively help children to understand the story. Features - picture dictionaries for active vocabulary work - fun activities and games, often for more than one participant, which practise vocabulary and structures of the story - recording of the whole text either on accompanying CD


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Earlyreads: Aladdin
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Lesen und Uben: Albert Einstein + online audio
Wer war Albert Einstein? Seine Relativitätstheorie revolutionierte die Physik. Er machte Weltpolitik und kämpfte für den Frieden. Er war Liebling der Medien und berühmt wie ein Popstar.


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Five Children and It (Nesbit, E.)
Five children go on holiday and discover a sand fairy near their home! The sand fairy is an unusual creature that grants wishes, and this is just the beginning of an incredible adventure for them. Their wishes are strange, silly… and sometimes dangerous. They go from one exciting adventure to another until finally they realise the power of a wish and whether or not they really want one!


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The House of the Seven Gables
The seventeenth-century house of the seven gables shelters an old curse and a terrible secret. The lives of the Pyncheon family are ruined by greed, hatred and cowardice. Hepzibah and Clifford Pyncheon are tormented by the memories and ghosts of the past, until the love of two young people changes the course of destiny…


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Green Apple: Great English Monarchs and their Times + audio CD
English monarchs have fascinated the world for centuries. We are all curious to find out about their lives, their loves, their ambitions and their secrets.


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Lesen und Uben: Die schwarze Spinne + CD
Klassiker aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Note: -, , - Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Erstmals erschienen 1842. Auszug: ber die Berge hob sich die Sonne, leuchtete in klarer Majest t in ein freundliches, aber enges Tal und weckte zu fr hlichem Leben die Gesch pfe, die geschaffen sind, an der Sonne ihres Lebens sich zu freuen. Aus vergoldetem Waldessaume schmetterte die Amsel ihr Morgenlied, zwischen funkelnden Blumen in perl...


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Lire et s entrainer: Carmen + CD
• Product Dimensions: 20.8 x 14.8 x 0.6 cm • Shipping Weight: 181 g A story of love and death which retells the tragic relationship between a gypsy, Carmen, and a soldier, Brigadier Don José, which turns Carmen into a smuggler, outlaw and murderer. This story was the inspiration for the famous opera by Georges Bizet and a ballet by Roland Petit........ • Product Dimensions: 20.8 x 14.8 x 0.6 cm • Shipping Weight: 181 g A story of love and death which retells the tragic...


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Der Schimmelreiter
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Reading and Training: A Study in Scarlet + audio CD
A Study in Scarlet, originally titled A Tangled Skein and published in 1887, was the first story to ever feature Detective Sherlock Homes and his trusty sidekick Watson. Written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in less than three weeks when he was 27, it would eventually become one of the most famous Holmes stories written, and was one of only four full-length novels starring the detective. A Study in Scarlet was also the first novel to feature a magnifying glass as a detective's tool.Scottish surgeon ...


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Green Apple: Mystery in San Francisco + audio CD + App
Green Apple is a series of richly illustrated graded readers especially designed for elementary school students. The series is based on internationally recognized standards of lexical and structural control from beginner to elementary, offering original stories as well as adapted classics in a variety of genres.Beginner: Written completely in the present tense with very simple vocabulary and grammar for students who are just starting English Grammar covered: Present Simple/Continuous - be/have g...


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The Bottle Imp
Keawe, a young Hawaiian sailor, is offered the opportunity to buy a bottle containing an imp which will grant all his wishes. The only catch is that the bottle must thereafter be resold for a price smaller than what he paid for it, or he will be condemned to live out the rest of his days in excruciating torment. Follow Keawe on his adventures and find out the consequences that this magical imp has on his life and the lives of the people around him.


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