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Reading and Training: Around the World in Eighty Days + audio CD/CD-ROM
Verne's classic novel of global voyaging One night in the reform club, Phileas Fogg bets his companions that he can travel across the globe in just eighty days. Breaking the well-established routine of his daily life, he immediately sets off for Dover with his astonished valet Passepartout. Passing through exotic lands and dangerous locations, they seize whatever transportation is at hand - whether train or elephant - overcoming set-backs and always racing against the clock. For more than seve...


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Green Apple: I Want To Be You + audio CD/CD-ROM
Holly and Rosie are cousins but they are very different. When the school basketball team fails to win the championship because Holly misses a penalty, Holly discovers just how cruel her cousin can be.


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Green Apple: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer + audio CD/CD-ROM + App
Join Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn and their friends as they go on a series of exciting adventures on the Mississippi River. Find out what happens when they witness a murder, hide on an island, and how getting lost in a cave leads to the discovery of a great treasure... This reader uses the Expansive Reading approach, where the text becomes a springboard to improve language skills and to explore historical background, cultural connections and other topics suggested by the text. As well as the sto...


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Lire et s entrainer: Une etrange disparition + CD
Camille vit à Bastia, mais elle doit passer la fin de ses grandes vacances chez sa grand-mère. Elle n'est pas contente, mais elle fait la connaissance d'Alex, un garçon de son age. Un jour, Alex disparait sans laisser des traces ...


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Lire et s entrainer: Histoire d un casse-noisette + CD
Chez les Silberhaus, tout est prêt pour le réveillon de Noël. L'oncle offre des soldats de plomb à Fritz et un casse-noisette à Marie. Pendant la nuit, il se passe des choses étranges dans la maison: les objets grandissent et les jouets s'animent.


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Lire et s entrainer: Lettres de mon moulin + CD
Des histoires naïves, drôles et parfois fantastiques, qui décrivent avec humour et sagesse la vie méridionale. Dans ce livre, vous découvrirez le courage et la ténacité de la chèvre de monsieur Seguin, le secret de maitre Cornille et vous comprendrez pourquoi il est préférable de ne pas déranger la mule du pape Boniface... Tout au long de l'histoire, vous trouverez : des exercices de grammaire, de vocabulaire, de compr&eac...


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Cultural Links - An exploration of the English-speaking world: Student s Book
Cultural Links explores and discovers the English-Speaking world and offers links through the British Isles across North America, India, Australia, New Zealand and more. 7 Files to discover the English-speaking world Cultural Links consists of 7 topics (files), dealing with the differences and similarities of the countries which are part of the English-speaking World. Language: how much has the English language changed? How does English manage to create and keep a common link among far-off co...


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Reading and Training: American Horror. Five Terrifying Tales + audio CD
A man who drains away his wife’s life to make his painting seem alive; an animal lover who becomes obsessed by a cat; a young man obsessed by an old man’s blue eye; and a man hypnotized just before he dies who then…


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Green Apple: The Lost Treasure of Bodega Bay + audio CD/CD-ROM
Kate, Mike and Carlos go on another trip to Bodega Bay near San Francisco, where more than a year ago they found a pirate’s old treasure map. An incredibly exciting and dangerous adventure awaits them as they follow a mysterious clue and go on a treasure hunt to find a lost treasure from centuries ago.


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Earlyreads: The Gingerbread Man
One day Grandma makes a gingerbread man for tea but, when he is cooked, he jumps off the table and runs away. He doesn’t want to be eaten! Grandma, Grandpa and Billy and all the animals he passes try to catch him, but he runs too fast for them. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know how to swim!


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