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Leer y aprender: Vengenza en la Habana + CD
¿Quién está escribiendo cartas anónimas con amenaza de muerte dirigidas a los habitantes de Madrid? De viaje a la Isla de Cuba, el inspector de policía Felipe Torres se encuentra mezclado en misterios inquietantes.


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El Zorro. Con file audio MP3 scaricabili: El Zorro + online audio
El Zorro es un justiciero emmascarado que defende a los oprimidos. En Los Ángeles, el Zorro lucha contra las injusticias. El Zorro se enamora de la joven Lolita ...


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Lesen und Uben: Das Fraulein von Scuderi + CD
Es gibt einen Mörder in der Stadt der reichen Männer ersticht. Ein junger Mann bringt ein Kästchen zu Fräulein von Scuderi. Darin zind geheimnisvolle Schmuckstücke und ein Notizzettel ...


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Lesen und Uben: Auf der Suche nach Toby + CD
Michael ist einer hübscher Junge, aber zu intellektuell für die Mädchen seines Alters. Deshalb hat er auch keine Freundin und keine Chance mit der schönen Eva auszugehen. Aber als ihr Hund verschwindet, kann er etwas tun, um ihre Gunst zu gewinnen ...


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Reading and Training: Beowulf: Beowulf + audio CD
The mighty warrior Beowulf offers to help the King of the Danes in a quest to kill the vicious monster Grendel and free his people from terror. After killing Grendel, Beowulf must also kill the monster’s mother before he can return to his homeland, where he eventually becomes king. But he is called for a new adventure, as a great dragon comes to destroy his kingdom. Will Beowulf’s efforts cost him his life this time?...


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Reading and Training: Time Games + audio CD
Like many 15 year olds, Adam prefers computer games to school work, but he can’t understand why one of his favourite games seems to have a life of its own. And why is he suddenly hearing voices? Why can’t anyone else see the strange boy outside the school gates? And why does the boy look so like Adam? He finds the answers he’s looking for and a lot more besides hundreds of years in the past....


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Green Apple: David Copperfield + audio CD
David’s life changes for the worse when his mother dies and he is left with a cruel stepfather who sends him to work in London. But he doesn’t want to work in a factory all his life, so he runs away and finds a kind relative who is willing to help him. As David grows up, he learns that life is full of trouble, hardship and cruelty. But he also finds friendship, kindness and… love....


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Green Apple: Anne of Green Gables + audio CD
Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert want a boy from the orphanage to help them on their farm, but the orphanage sends them Anne, a funny little girl with long red hair who gets up to all kinds of adventures. What can Matthew and Marilla do? Find out how Anne makes their lives happier, and wins their hearts…


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Leer y aprender: El secreto de Romina + CD
Romina es una alegre jovencita con pocas ganas de estudiar. A pesar de ello, inesperadamente comienza a obtener excelentes calificaciones en todas las asignaturas, a conseguir cuanto se propone en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, a ser la admiracíon del barrio.


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Lire et s entrainer: Le secret de Louise + online audio
Comment un banal séjour linguistique peut-il se transformer en une sombre aventure? Emma, une étudiante allemande, trouve le journal intime de Louise, l'ancienne colocataire, et découvre alors quelque chose de vraiment inquiétant ...


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Great Expectations + free Audiobook
Pip is destined to become a village blacksmith, but a chance meeting with an escaped prisoner and the acquaintance of an eccentric old woman and a beautiful young girl change the course of his life. He is suddenly dissatisfied with his social status and wants to become a gentleman. But one day he discovers a terrible secret.


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Reading and Training: A Message from a Ghost + audio CD
Bella and her friends are going on a school trip. But then they get lost. They set out to find their school friends and the youth hostel where they should be staying but before they can find them, strange and spooky things start to happen.


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