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Traverso, Paola
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Earlyreads: The Scarecrow and the Sunflower + App
Chris is a scarecrow who lives in a cornfield. It’s summer, he’s hot and thirsty and nobody can help him. The bees, the ants and the lizards are very busy. Finally autumn comes and then winter. The scarecrow is cold and feels alone. He sleeps for a long time and when he wakes up there is a yellow flower near him. It’s a sunflower and can do magic things....


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Earlyreads: The Musicians of Bremen + App
A donkey decides to leave his master and go to Bremen, the town of music. Along the way other animals join in: a dog, a cat and a cock. They all want to go to Bremen and become musicians. It’s night, the road is long and they are hungry…


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