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Hill, Robert
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The Canterbury Tales
In Chaucer’s classic, much-loved collection of tales a host of medieval characters come alive on the page – and they are as lively and colourful now as they were seven hundred years ago! In this retelling of five of the stories in modern English, Chaucer’s pilgrims entertain us with tales of knights and ruffians, desperate lovers, resourceful women, talking animals…


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Reading and Training: Beowulf: Beowulf + audio CD
The mighty warrior Beowulf offers to help the King of the Danes in a quest to kill the vicious monster Grendel and free his people from terror. After killing Grendel, Beowulf must also kill the monster’s mother before he can return to his homeland, where he eventually becomes king. But he is called for a new adventure, as a great dragon comes to destroy his kingdom. Will Beowulf’s efforts cost him his life this time?...


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