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The illustrations in this exciting reader for beginners will enthuse children to the point that they won’t want to part with their Mowgli. When Mowgli meets the tiger, Shere Khan and isn’t able to cross the river to escape, he realises that he must learn to swim. With a little help from his friends Baloo, Bagheera, Hathi and the others, Mowgli discovers that swimming isn’t so difficult after all!
Un paysan plante une graine de navet dans son jardin. Pendant la nuit, la petite graine devient un énorme navet. Le paysan essaie de le tirer de toutes ses forces mais le navet est trop grand et trop gros. Il fait alors appel à sa famille... Les illustrations stimulent l'imagination et aident à comprendre le texte. Un langage facile utilisant les répétitions permet de mémoriser rapidement l'histoire. Les jeux et les activités favorisent l'apprenti...
Un magicien demande de l'aide à Aladin pour récupérer une vieille lampe... Mais lorsqu'Aladin frotte cette lampe, un génie apparait et transforme sa vie ! Aladin réussira-t-il à éviter les pièges du magicien qui veut récupérer le précieux objet ? De belles illustrations stimulent l'imagination et aident à la compréhension. Une langue facile, qui utilise les répétitions, permet aux jeunes lect...
Some festivals are popular all over the world. Festivals! tells children how Christmas, Easter, Halloween and other festivities are celebrated in many countries of the world.
Young readers are encouraged to use fine-motor skills to colour in, cut out, glue on to create fun decorations and greeting cards.
Festivals! offers an innovative approach to teaching English: teachers and children alike won’t be able to do without it! In fact, the book is not only a unique language learning experie...
Early Reads are beautifully illustrated, which encourage reading and actively help children to understand the story. Features - picture dictionaries for active vocabulary work - fun activities and games, often for more than one participant, which practise vocabulary and structures of the story - recording of the whole text either on accompanying CD