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Sir Doyle, Arthur Conan
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The Boscombe Valley Mystery
A beautiful young woman wants Sherlock Holmes to investigate a terrible murder. All the evidence points to the man she loves, but she knows that he is not the murderer. How will Holmes find the real murderer? Here is another baffling case for the world’s most popular detective!


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Reading and Training: A Study in Scarlet + audio CD
A Study in Scarlet, originally titled A Tangled Skein and published in 1887, was the first story to ever feature Detective Sherlock Homes and his trusty sidekick Watson. Written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in less than three weeks when he was 27, it would eventually become one of the most famous Holmes stories written, and was one of only four full-length novels starring the detective. A Study in Scarlet was also the first novel to feature a magnifying glass as a detective's tool.Scottish surgeon ...


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Reading and Training: The Hound of the Baskervilles + audio CD
The book has no illustrations or index. Purchasers are entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subjects: Fiction / Mystery


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