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Mic lexicon al Orientului Mijlociu
Volumul domnului prof. Univ. Ambasador Dumitru Chican, aduna intre copertile sale ceea ce este mai folositor de a fi stiut despre Orientul Mijlociu si isi propune sa ofere cititorului roman – avizat sau numai doritor de cunoastere – un portret al acestui spatiu. Nutrim speranta ca acest “mic lexicon” va aduce un plus de cunostinte si informatii care sa raspunda interesului crescand al cititorilor din tara noastra pentru aceasta lume atat de bogata si fascinanta.Anul apari...


PRP: 54,00 Lei  45,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Dictionar, dublu Latin - Roman, Roman - Latin
Dictionarul roman - latin, latin - roman, cuprinzand circa 300.000 de cuvinte-titlu, va fi, prin urmare, un nepretuit ajutor in studiul limbii latine, contribuind la imbunatatirea nivelului de comunicare intre elevi, studenti si profesori.Acest dictionar a fost intocmit pentru a sprijini invatarea limbii latine. In acest sens, lucrarea pe care v-o recomandam are un caracter accesibil, fara ca prin aceasta sa fie eliminate anumite aspecte fundamentale ale limbii latine.De aceea, s-a optat atat in...
PRP: 19,99 Lei  13,99 LeiAdauga in cos
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Lesen und Uben: Kaspar Hauser + CD (Lesen Und Uben, Niveau Zwei)
1829. Ein unbekannter Junge taucht plötzlich in Nürnberg auf, nachdem er 17 Jahre in einem dunklen Gefängnis versteckt worden war. Wer hielt ihn gefangen? Warum? Die berühmte Geschichte von Kaspar Hauser mit Übungen zu Wortschatz, Grammatik und Textverständnis sowie Texten zur Kaspar Hauser-Rezeption und einer Audio-CD mit der dramatisierten, vollständigen Textaufnahme.


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Green Apple: The True Story of Pocahontas + audio CD (Green Apple Step One)
The True Story of Pocahontas is the touching story of an Indian princess, whose courage saved a white man’s life. No one could have imagined that Pocahontas would be the first Indian to marry a white man!


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Green Apple: Halloween Horror + audio CD/CD-ROM (Green Apple Starter)
It’s fun to get ready for Halloween and it’s even more fun to have a spooky Halloween party! But what happens to a group of young teenagers when their Halloween party becomes a living nightmare? Find out what horror is all about in this spine-tingling story!


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The Happy Prince and The Selfish Giant (Starter)
The Happy Prince is the unforgettable story of the touching friendship between the golden statue of the Happy Prince and a little swallow. The enchanted garden of The Selfish Giant is the perfect place for children to play, until the Giant decides to keep it all for himself!


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Lesen und Uben: Die Nachbarn + CD (Lesen Und Uben, Niveau Zwei)
Die Nachbarin ist tot. Hat ihr Mann sie umgebracht? Der fünfzehnjährige Georg ist ihm auf der Spur. Spannung und dramatischer Schlusseffekt sind garantiert.


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Lesen und Uben: Der gestiefelte Kater/Das tapfere Schneiderlein + CD (Lesen Und Uben, Niveau Zwei)
Zwei der berühmtesten deutschen Märchen in vereinfachter Form nacherzählt mit Verständnisaufgaben sowie Grammatik- und Wortschatzübungen. Der Leser wird mit der Struktur des Märchens vertraut gemacht und dazu angeregt, selbst ein Märchen zu schreiben.


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Imparare leggendo: Viaggio a Venezia + CD
Storia e leggenda si intrecciano e addirittura il passato sembra rivivere nel presente. Fatevi guidare, come i protagonisti di questa storia, tra i luoghi suggestivi di una delle più affascinanti città italiane: Venezia! Scoprirete l’atmosfera magica e fantastica che si respira in questa città, dove il tempo sembra davvero essersi fermato! Ogni capitolo è arricchito da un’interessante rubrica, “Curiosità veneziane”, grazie alla quale ...


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Reading Classics: Short Stories + audio CD
An anthology of texts illustrating the development of the short story from the 19th century to the present day, by Charles Dickens, R. L. Stevenson, H. G. Wells, D. H. Lawrence, K. Mansfield, W. S. Maugham, V. S. Naipaul, S. Rushdie, Helen Simpson e G. Greene. This collection includes an exceptionally wide range of narratives – in terms of both time and theme –introducing students to protagonists from all walks of life, from the upper classes to victims of poverty. These stories wi...


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Interact with Literature: Tales to Talk About + audio CD
A selection of twelve thematically-paired stories by a wide range of authors including Oscar Wilde, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur C. Clarke, Kate Chopin, Maeve Binchy, Penelope Lively, Richard Hughes and Ed McBain. The stories are presented in six highly contemporary themes – children, love, mystery, murder, money, war – and accompanied by fascinating articles from English-language newspapers and newsmagazines. Designed to help students progress from intermediate to advanced level, this...


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Silas Marner (Reading and Training: Step 6)
Silas, a weaver, is betrayed by his best friend and the woman he loves. He loses all faith in humanity and moves to the village of Raveloe. There he lives a solitary life, working and hoarding his gold coins, until one day his gold is stolen…


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Reading and Training: Tess of the d Urbervilles + audio CD (Reading and Training: Step 5)
The Durbeyfield family are poor and simple people, but their ancestors were the mighty d’Urbervilles, an ancient and noble family. When the Durbeyfields meet with misfortune, they send their eldest daughter Tess to visit her wealthy cousin and ask for help, but the wealthy cousin has a young son, Alec Stoke-d’Urberville, who finds Tess very attractive…


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Reading and Training: Tom Jones + audio CD
The kindly gentleman, Mr Allworthy, returns home from a voyage to find that someone has left a baby boy in his house. He adopts the foundling, giving him the name Tom Jones. Mr Allworthy’s sister, Bridget, has a son called Master Blifil. While Tom grows into a wild but honest young man, Blifil becomes a scheming hypocrite. But what happens when Tom falls in love with a neighbouring gentleman’s daughter, Sophia, whose family wish her to marry Blifil?...


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The Ransom of Red Chief: And Other Stories (Reading and Training, Beginner) (Book and CD)
The Ransom of Red Chief is a wonderfully funny and ironic story about two inexperienced kidnappers and their unusual ‘victim’, with a great surprise ending. O. Henry’s unique talent enabled him to create a world full of ordinary people who did extraordinary things.


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OWN BRAND Treasure Island: Treasure Island + online audio
Read about the thrilling adventures of young Jim Hawkins and his friends who set sail for Treasure Island in search of treasure. But will Long John Silver get there first…?


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A Passage to India (CIDEB ELT Intermediate Level Simplified Reader)
Adela Quested visits India with Mrs Moore to decide whether to marry the latter’s son, Ronny. Obsessed with understanding the ‘real India’, the two women make friends with Dr Aziz who invites them to the mysterious Marabar caves…


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Imparare leggendo: Rose rosse per il commissario + CD
Un numero telefonico su una banconota da 50 euro, un mazzo di rose rosse, un fioraio dall’aria sospetta. Tutte cose apparentemente banali, che passano normalmente inosservate… non è così, però, per l’occhio attento e vigile di un commissario di polizia ormai in pensione. Fatevi coinvolgere in questa avventura, aiutate il commissario a risolvere il mistero!


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Leer y aprender: La Gitanilla + CD
A finales del siglo XVII en Madrid, una joven y bellísima gitana llamada Preciosa, provoca la admiración de cuantos la ven bailar y de cuantos la oyen presagiar la suerte. Un joven y apuesto gentilhombre, decide abandonar su rango, hacerse gitano, partir a la aventura y convivir con los gitanos para merecer su amor. La aventura se complica, cuando es acusado de un crimen y encarcelado. Preciosa pide clemencia al Corregidor, desconociendo que… El amor, la aventura y el mis...


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The Call of the Wild (Green Apple Step Two)
Buck, a big happy dog, is kidnapped from his comfortable home in California and is sold as sled dog in the cold Yukon Territory during the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896. His new life in the Norhland is difficult, chellenging, adventurous… and full of surprises!


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