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Culegeri Matematica

Cirtoaje, Vasile
Tip afisare:
Algebraic Inequalities
The name of Vasile Cirtoaje, in mathematical terms, actually equals with inequalities. Many problems from the book, their majority I would say, are obtained by the author himself. If you will carefully read the book, you may find that your skills in solving inequalities were considerably improved. However, one needs not to read every single page of this material; the chapters are independent and you may even open the book somewhere, arbitrarily, and try to solve an inequality or find its solutio...


PRP: 200,00 Lei  180,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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Old and New Inequalities
This work blends together classic inequality results with brand new problems, some of which devised only a few days ago. What could be special about it when so many inequality problem books have already been written? We strongly believe that even if the topic we plunge into is so general and popular our book is very different. Of course, it is quite easy to say this, so we will give some supporting arguments. This book contains a large variety of problems involving inequalities, most of them dif...


PRP: 90,00 Lei  81,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
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