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De ce „Dracul“? Sa fi fost el poreclit astfel, de rau ce a fost, dupa numele popular al Diavolului, al Necuratului? Nicidecum. Iata povestea, chiar extraordinara, a acestei porecle pe care o va purta si fiul lui Vlad Dracul, preavestitul Vlad Tepes.Asa ca, sa vedeti lucru nemaiauzit pana atunci la noi: in catedrala marelui oras german Nürnberg, regele Sigismund il proclama pe Vlad voievod al Tarii Romanesti – el, care n-a apucat inca domnia – si-l numeste si Cavaler ...
Translated from Romanian by Alistair Ian BlythWhy “Dracul”? Did he earn this nickname because he was evil, “Dracul” being a folk name for the Devil, the Unclean One? Not at all. What follows is the extraordinary story behind the cognomen that the son of Vlad Dracul, the famous Vlad the Impaler, was also to bear. In the cathedral of the great German city of Nuremberg, King Sigismund proclaimed Vlad Voivode of Wallachia, even though he was yet to reign, and named him a Knig...