Descriere - Yazoo Starter Teachers Guide - Kozanoglou Danae
[Avizat MEN 2018]
Yazoo is an exciting five-level course for young learners. Children will meet the loveable Yazoo animals and share their adventure in every level of the course.
The Starter level focuses on Listening and Speaking, and provides an alternative entry point for those not yet ready to read and write.
Bring smiles to the classroom with a variety of activities, songs, and games while learning English.
A strong grammar syllabus combined with clear communication and skills development gives students everything they need to succeed.
The Activity Book and Pupils CD-ROM provide further consolidation of the language learned the Pupil's Book.
The Teachers Book provides:
- an overview of the course principles and approach
- a list of flashcards
- step-by-step lesson notes plus optional activities
- Pupils Book audioscripts