Descriere - The Legacy of the First World War
Volumul semnat de catre istoricul italian Giuseppe Motta abordeaza, pornind de la intelegerea fenomenului natiunii si a nationalismelor, chestiunea minoritatilor din spatiul transilvanean in contextul afirmarii Romaniei Mari ca urmare a Primul Razboi Mondial. Avand la baza o vasta documentare, lucrarea se concentreaza asupra a doua aspecte principale: Romania la sfarsitul Marelui Razboi incluzand si provocarile tratelor de pace, respectiv, chestiunea minoritatilor in Transilvania. Cea de-a doua parte cuprinde si un studiu de caz asupra modului in care aceasta chestiunea este reflectata in presa vremii.
The volume signed by the Italian historian Giuseppe Motta addresses, starting from the understanding of the phenomenon of the nation and nationalisms, the issue of minorities in the Transylvanian space in the context of assertion of Greater Romania as a result of the First World War. Based on an extensive documentation, the paper focuses on two main aspects: Romania at the end of the Great War, including the challenges of peace treaties, and the issue of minorities in Transylvania. The second part also includes a case study on how this issue is reflected in the press of the time.
University Press, 2014
ISBN: 978-606-581-118-8 94