Descriere - Scotia. Portugalia. Sicilia. Schite in acuarela
Editie bilingva romana-engleza
Ochiul pictorului calator a vazut lutul, stancile, desertul, raurile, marea si arborii, adica tot ce facuse Dumnezeu si i-a placut. Le-a adus in patratul panzelor sale cautand sa le pastreze lumina, parfumul si vibratia cea mai discreta. Pictorul stie ca tot ce este facut de mana lui Dumnezeu are o estetica intima. Dumnezeu nu produce kitsch-uri. Pictorul stie asta si penelul sau cauta cu sfiala catre exigenta divina. [...] Aceasta mi se pare a fi explicatia undei de mister pe care o degaja picturile in ulei sau de apa, dar si schitele in creion sau carbune ale doamnei Aurelia StoieMargineanu. - Daniel Dragan, Brasov, august 2012
The eye of the traveling painter has seen the clay, the cliffs, the desert, the rivers, the sea and the trees meaning it has seen all of the wonders God created and liked it. The painter brought these wonders to her canvas looking for ways to preserve the light, the perfume, even the most discreet vibration. The painter knows that everything God made has an intimate aesthetic. God does not make kitsch. The painter knows this and so her brush is timidly aspiring towards divine exigency. [...] This to me, explains the mysterious vibe that all paintings of Aurelia Stoie Marginean have, whether it's oil, watercolor, pencil or coal. - Daniel Dragan, Brasov, august 2012