Descriere - Rolul educatiei in dezvoltarea identitatii culturale a elevilor
Volumul, reuneste lucrarile dezbatute in cadrul Conferintei cu participare Internationala "Rolul educatiei in dezvoltarea identitatii culturale” avand ca si scop identificarea mijloacelor si practicilor care sa determine dezvoltarea unei identitati culturale sanatoase. Lucrarea atrage atentia asupra importantei sensibilizarii tuturor actorilor sociali in a-si asuma responsabilitatea in ceea ce priveste educatia culturala a tinerei generatii.
The volume brings together the papers debated at the Conference with International Participation "The role of education in the development of cultural identity" with the aim of identifying the means and practices to determine the development of a healthy cultural identity. The work draws attention to the importance of raising awareness among all social actors in taking responsibility for the cultural education of the young generation.
Editura University Press, 2017
ISBN 978-973-169-491-7