Descriere - Publicistica IV. Scrieri istorice 1977-1987
Dupa numeroase recuperari, cum a fost volumul Vasile Netea, Memorii (Editura NICO, 2010), sau cele doua volume Pentru Transilvania (Editura Veritas, Tirgu-Mures, 2014), Dimitrie Poptamas, presedintele Fundatiei "Vasile Netea”, legatarul operei istoricului, ne ofera o opera impresionanta ca volum si informatie istorica, Publicistica, in cinci volume. Primul volum, Scrieri din tinerete, cuprinde articolele publicate intre anii 1928-1940. Volumul al doilea cuprinde scrieri din anii de refugiu 1940-1944. Volumele III si IV au ca si tematica istoria, volumul III, cuprinzand perioada 1945-1976 iar vol. IV perioada 1977-1987. Ultimul volum reuneste articole de istorie literara, cu importante contributii privind biografia multor scriitori si poeti romani si modul in care opera lor a contribuit la crearea solidaritatilor nationale, punand in valoare etosul patriotic al literaturii romane.
After numerous recoveries, such as the volume Vasile Netea, Memoirs (NICO Publishing House, 2010), or the two volumes For Transylvania (Veritas Publishing House, Tirgu-Mures, 2014), Dimitrie Poptamas, president of the "Vasile Netea” Foundation, the legatee of the historian's work, offers us an impressive work as volume and historical information, Publicistica, in five volumes. The first volume, Writings from Youth, contains articles published between 1928-1940. The second volume contains writings from the years of refuge 1940-1944. Volumes III and IV have history as their theme, volume III, comprising the period 1945 to 1976, and volume IV the period 1977 to 1987. The last volume brings together articles on literary history, with important contributions on the biography of many Romanian writers and poets and how their work has contributed to the creation of national solidarity, highlighting the patriotic ethos of Romanian literature.
University Press, 2015
ISBN 978-606-581-125-6