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Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Sir J. M. Barrie, Wordsworth Editions - Barrie, Matthew James

Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Sir J. M. Barrie, Wordsworth Editions


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In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Sâmbătă, 22.02 - Duminică, 23.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 10 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
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Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Tara - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
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Cost livrare: Gratuit

Ajunge: Luni, 24.02 - Marți, 25.02
In Tara - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
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Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Luni, 24.02 - Marți, 25.02
In Extern - livrare rapida la usa.

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Ajunge: Marți, 25.02 - Miercuri, 26.02
In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Sâmbătă, 22.02 - Duminică, 23.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 10 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Tara - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Tara - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: Gratuit

Ajunge: Luni, 24.02 - Marți, 25.02
In Tara - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Duminică, 23.02 - Luni, 24.02
In Tara - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Luni, 24.02 - Marți, 25.02
In Extern - livrare rapida la usa.

Cost livrare:

Ajunge: Marți, 25.02 - Miercuri, 26.02
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Apreciere: 3.5/7 (8 voturi)
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PRP: 22,00 Lei 19,80 Lei economisesti: 2.2 Lei
Status: In curs de aprovizionare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 5 zile lucratoare

Descriere - Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Sir J. M. Barrie, Wordsworth Editions

The magical Peter Pan comes to the night nursery of the Darling children, Wendy, John and Michael. He teaches them to fly, then takes them through the sky to Never-Never Land, where they find Red Indians, wolves, Mermaids and... Pirates. The leader of the pirates is the sinister Captain Hook. His hand was bitten off by a crocodile, who, as Captain Hook explains 'liked me arm so much that he has followed me ever since, licking his lips for the rest of me'. After lots of adventures, the story reaches its exciting climax as Peter, Wendy and the children do battle with Captain Hook and his band.

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens is the magical tale that first introduces Peter Pan, the little boy who never grows any older. He escapes his human form and flies to Kensington Gardens, where all his happy memories are, and meets the fairies, the thrushes, and Old Caw the crow. The fairies think he is too human to be allowed to stay in after Lock-out time, so he flies off to an island which divides the Gardens from the more grown-up Hyde Park - Peter's adventures, and how he eventually meets Mamie and the goat, are delightfully illustrated by Arthur Rackham.

An aparitie: 1998
Format: 19,6 X 12,6
Numar pagini: 272

Cartea "Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Sir J. M. Barrie, Wordsworth Editions ". face parte din categoria carti >> Carte straina - Literature & Biography a catalogului Cartea este scrisa de catre Barrie, Matthew James si a fost publicata la Editura WORDSWORTH EDITIONS Pentru orice solicitare apelati departamentul Suport Clienti, de luni pana vineri in intervalul 9-18. intelege importanta informatiilor prezentate in aceasta pagina si face eforturi permanente pentru a le pastra actualizate. Singura situatie in care informatiile prezentate pot fi diferite fata de cele ale produsului este aceea in care producatorul aduce modificari specificatiilor acestuia, fara a ne informa in prealabil.

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