Descriere - Persoana umana. Un model de diversitatea antropologica
Cartea exploreaza, in dimensiune antropologica, personalitatea umana. Ea reuneste un colectiv de specialisti reuniti in cadrul Asociatiei Romane de Studiu a Personalitatii. Intr-o ordine aleatorie, sunt comentate pentru inceput dominantele structurale de tip obsesiv ale personalitatii care pot fi – in diferite contexte – adaptative sau maladaptative si pot intretine si conduite compulsive de tipul jocului de noroc patologic.
The book explores, in an anthropological dimension, the human personality. It brings together a team of specialists gathered within the Romanian Personality Study Association. In the beginning the obsessive structural dominances of the personality are commented, which can be - in different contexts - adaptive or maladaptive and can also maintain compulsive behaviors, such as pathological gambling.