Descriere - Pediatric dentistry. Stomatologie pediatrica (editie color)
In contextul studierii patologiei orale la copii si adolescenti, transpunerea principiilor de diagnostic si a tehnicilor de tratament de la adult la copil sunt particularizate prin adaptarea la caracteristicile morfo-functionale ale dintilor temporari si permanenti tineri cu apex imatur. Aplicarea stricta a metodelor de diagnostic si tratament stomatologic caracteristice adultului poate fi o greseala grava ce ar conduce la insucces terapeutic si la aparitia unor complicatii cu repercusiuni importante privind evolutia ulterioara a dentitiei. Cartea este structurata in 9 capitole ce abordeaza probleme legate de diagnosticul si tratamentul cariei simple si complicate cu localizare la nivelul dintilor temporari si permanenti tineri, urgentele pedodontice, dar si notiuni privind procesele de dezvoltare si eruptie dentara. Capitolul 9 al cartii este dedicat abordarii pedodontice si dificultatilor tratamentului la copiii cu nevoi speciale si boli sistemice grave. Limba de editare: engleza.
The book is structured in 9 chapters approaching issues dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of simple and complicated caries of the deciduous and permanent young teeth, pediatric dentistry emergencies, as well as notions regarding the processes of development and dental eruption. Chapter 9 is dedicated to the pediatric dentistry approach and difficulties of treatment in children with special needs and serious systemic diseases.
Oral complications in children with malignant diseases, bleeding disorders, metabolic, renal, genetic heart anomalies, breathing diseases, along with the complex pedodontic treatment in children with mental and sensorial disability represents a very important domain in pediatric dentistry. Many of these complications are not diagnosed by dentists or are wrongly interpreted, therefore remaining untreated, either due to the lack of experience or the cases are considered to be "too difficult”.
Anul publicarii: 2019
Pagini: 156