Descriere - New Headway Pre-Intermediate Teachers Book
[Avizat MEN 2018]
Description: The best-selling series that combines the best of traditional methods with current teaching techniques.
Key features
New Headway now provides a seamless syllabus progression from beginner to upper-intermediate level.
It takes a clear and structured approach to grammar. Grammatical structures are introduced in context, with questions that encourage students to work out the rules for themselves. A comprehensive 'Grammar section' at the back of the Student's Books provides a useful reference before, during or after the lesson.
A well-defined vocabulary syllabus concentrates on three key areas: learning new words in lexical sets; acquiring good habits for learning vocabulary; and developing vocabulary 'systems' such as sound and spelling relationships.
Integrated skills work is an important feature of the course. In every unit the reading and listening activities contextualize and bring together much previously introduced language. The new unit by unit writing section in Student's Books focuses on developing students' written English in a range of situations and registers. The choice of interesting texts, together with manageable, motivating tasks ensure students develop fluency and accuracy in all four skills.
Supportive Teacher's Books at each level include an explanation of the methodology, step-by-step lesson guidance, additional activities, photocopiable tests, cultural notes, and detailed answer keys.
Teacher's Resource Books provide photocopiable games and activities to supplement the main course materials.
Workbooks at each level offer a range of exercises to revise and extend the grammar and vocabulary covered in the Student's Book, plus extra related input where appropriate.
* The image displayed is of the main component of this series e.g. the student's book
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 2000
Author: Soars, J & L
Format: Paperback
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