Descriere - Grammar Sense, Second Edition 1: Teachers Book Pack
[Avizat MEN 2018]
Grammar Sense is a four-level discourse-based grammar series which focuses on the connection between form, meaning, and use of English structures. The series is based on the fundamental premise that English grammar is learnable and teachable if it is systematically organized and explained. Grammar Sense implements linguistic and applied linguistic research on how, where, when, and why native speakers use English structures, and how non-native speakers learn them. This series provides learners with a true understanding of how grammar is used in authentic contexts. Grammar is presented in discourse rather than in isolated sentences which allows the students to understand English grammar in real life situations.
--This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Year : 2011
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Cartea este scrisa de catre Susan Iannuzzi si a fost publicata la Editura OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
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