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Get Ready for IELTS: Students Book : IELTS 3.5 (A2 ) - Aish, Fiona

Get Ready for IELTS: Students Book : IELTS 3.5  (A2 )


Livrare in:  Bucuresti - Sector 1

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In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Miercuri, 26.02 - Joi, 27.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 10 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Tara - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Tara - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: Gratuit

Ajunge: Vineri, 28.02 - Sâmbătă, 01.03
In Tara - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Tara - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Vineri, 28.02 - Sâmbătă, 01.03
In Extern - livrare rapida la usa.

Cost livrare:

Ajunge: Sâmbătă, 01.03 - Duminică, 02.03
In Bucuresti - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Miercuri, 26.02 - Joi, 27.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 10 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Bucuresti - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Bucuresti - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Tara - ridicare din Pachetomat.

Cost livrare: 8.00 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Tara - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: Gratuit

Ajunge: Vineri, 28.02 - Sâmbătă, 01.03
In Tara - ridicare din EasyBox.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Joi, 27.02 - Vineri, 28.02
In Tara - livrare la usa.

Cost livrare: 12.9 Lei

Ajunge: Vineri, 28.02 - Sâmbătă, 01.03
In Extern - livrare rapida la usa.

Cost livrare:

Ajunge: Sâmbătă, 01.03 - Duminică, 02.03
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Apreciere: 4.3/7 (16 voturi)
Calificativul nostru
PRP: 96,00 Lei 81,60 Lei economisesti: 14.4 Lei
Status: In curs de aprovizionare
Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 5 zile lucratoare

Descriere - Get Ready for IELTS: Students Book : IELTS 3.5 (A2 )

Get Ready for IELTS is the perfect course for students who are preparing to take the Academic version of the IELTS exam. It has been specially designed to help lower-level students to `get ready'' for an IELTS preparation course.

Get Ready for IELTS provides a firm foundation for lower-level students who are starting out in their IELTS preparation and are working within a band score of 3.5-4.5. The information, advice and practice material will enable students to improve their score and develop the key skills and strategies they need for success in IELTS.

* Twelve units of carefully graded material to help lower level students improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
* Key grammar and vocabulary in every unit builds language skills and improves accuracy
* Exam tips and Exam information boxes fully prepare students for what to expect in each part of the exam
* IELTS-style practice questions enable students to approach the exam with confidence
* Motivating topics and tasks help develop critical thinking skills
* Grammar reference section provides clear explanations and examples of key language in use
* Students prepare for class by doing language development exercises online or in their workbooks, and consolidate what they have learnt with additional practice material
* IELTS practice test to help students prepare for the exam
* MP3 CD with audio material for the Listening and Speaking sections of the Student''s Book and Workbook

The Student''s Book can be used together with Get Ready for IELTS Online:
* Grammar and vocabulary-building exercises
* Access to the COBUILD dictionary online

Also available as part of the Collins Get Ready for IELTS course:
Get Ready for IELTS Workbook
Get Ready for IELTS Teacher''s Guide
Get Ready for IELTS Online

ISBN: 9780008139179

Detalii produs

Nr. pagini: 160

Format: 26,5 x 19,2

Anul aparitiei: 2016

Cartea "Get Ready for IELTS: Students Book : IELTS 3.5 (A2 ) ". face parte din categoria carti >> Carte straina - Teenage & Educational - Student handbook a catalogului Cartea este scrisa de catre Aish, Fiona si a fost publicata la Editura HARPER COLLINS PUBLISHERS Pentru orice solicitare apelati departamentul Suport Clienti, de luni pana vineri in intervalul 9-18. intelege importanta informatiilor prezentate in aceasta pagina si face eforturi permanente pentru a le pastra actualizate. Singura situatie in care informatiile prezentate pot fi diferite fata de cele ale produsului este aceea in care producatorul aduce modificari specificatiilor acestuia, fara a ne informa in prealabil.

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