Descriere - Fabrica de mobile ardeleana Szekely si Reti SA Targu-Mures, de la Austro-Ungaria la Romania totalitara (1917-1950)
Autorul, profesor de istorie, absolvent al Facultatii de Filozofie din cadrul Universitatii "Babes-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca nu realizeaza doar un studiu dedicat uneia dintre cele mai importante unitati de productie din Targu-Mures ci si o ampla fresca a societatii targumuresene in perioada dintre cele doua razboaie mondiale, cu insertii in sfera sociala, culturala si politica a epocii. Bazat pe un vast material documentar descoperit in arhive si in presa vremii, volumul impresioneaza prin efortul de reconstituire a unui aspect mai putin frecventat de catre istorici si anume fenomenul economic la baza lui - unitatile de productie, comert, servicii, finante - individuale si sociale – care ocupa un loc restrans in istoriografia romaneasca.
The author, professor of history, graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy at the "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca not only conducts a study dedicated to one of the most important production units in Targu-Mures, but also a large fresco of the city's society in the period between the two world wars, with insertions in the social, cultural and political sphere of the time. Based on a vast documentary material discovered in archives and in the press of the time, the volume impresses by the effort to reconstruct an aspect less addressed by historians, namely the economic phenomenon at its base - the production, trade, services, and finance units - individual and social - which occupy a small place in Romanian historiography.
Editura University Press, 2015
ISBN: 978-606-581-157-7