Descriere - English Quest Level 1 - Teachers Book (Digibook CD-Rom)
Macmillan English Quest is a fresh, lively primary series for young pupils learning English. The series is ba sed on the idea that studying English is a voyage of real world discovery. Macmillan English Quest 4 Pupil's Book is story-based. The characters, who are looking for the Quest Cup with the help of magic symbols, go to different places and learn about people and cultures al lover the world. Technology is featured throughout the series, through the characters, the stories and games, providing a familiar and motivating context for young language learners. There is a strong focus on CUl which provides pupils with interesting real-world contexts in which they con develop their language skills. The Animated Stories and Songs CD-ROM, packaged with the Pupil's Book, brings the staries to life and provides extra activities for use either in the classroom ar at home. The Activity Books are full of fun and engaging activities, which pupils will enjoy and which will help consolidate the learning from the Pupil's Books. The Teacher's Books contain comprehensive teaching notes to fully support teachers who are working with Macmillan English Quest. There is a Digibook (a digital version of the Pupil's Book) for each level of Macmillan English Quest. This is packaged withh the Teacher's Book and is designed to provide a more flexible range of teaching options in the clossroom.
Pages : 208
Year: 2014
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