Descriere - Elada. Budapesta. Istanbul. Desen si acuarela
Editie bilingva romana-engleza
Calatoria unui artist, jurnalul de calatorie, notitele, schitele rapide si detaliile care impresioneaza ochiul si mintea, care te retranspun in spatiul fascinant al calatoriei, acest intreg santier al creatiei nu face parte dintr-un demers comun. Putini artisti accepta sa se expuna, sa-si dezvaluie secretele maiestriei, ale tehnicii, sa arate cum se adauga imagine dupa imagine, ca pe o pelicula mult mai sensibila decat cea fotografica. - Andreea Pastarnac, 1 iulie 2009, Nicosia
The journey of an artist, a travelogue, notes, rushed sketches and details that delight the eye and the mind, that take you in the fascinating world of traveling, this entire site of creation is not part of an ordinary procedure but that of a great artist. Few artists take the risk of exposing themselves, of unraveling their secrets, their techniques, of showing their work image after image, like a film printed on something much more sensitive than photographic paper. - Andreea Pastarnac, 1 iulie 2009, Nicosia