Descriere - Economia romaneasca de la traditionalism la postmodernism. Studii
Lucrarea de fata reuneste rezultatele cercetarilor intreprinse de catre cadre didactice universitare, cercetatori stiintifici, doctoranzi si fosti doctoranzi ai Catedrei de Istoria economiei si Geografie de la Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti.
Larga paleta tematica a studiilor cuprinse in acest volum sugereaza si subliniaza – credem – unele dintre momentele de mare dificultate ale economiei romanesti in drumul ei de la traditionalism la postmodernism. Lucrarea se adreseaza specialistilor din domeniul economiei, al istoriei economiei si al istoriei gandirii economice, doctoranzilor, masteranzilor, studentilor si tuturor celor interesati de evolutia si viitorul societatii romanesti.
The present work reunites the results of research made by university staff, scientific researchers, PhD candidates and ex-PhD candidates from the Chair of Economic History and Geography within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. The vast range of themes comprised in this volume suggests and underlines – we believe – some moments of great difficulty encountered by the Romanian economy in its way from traditionalism to postmodernism.
The work addresses specialists in the domain of economy, history of economy and history of economic thinking as well as PhD candidates, Master students, students and all those interested in the evolution and future of the Romanian society.
ISBN: 973-709-023-3
An aparitie: 2004
Nr. de pagini: 320
Format: 14x20