Descriere - Din gradina hesperidelor. In amintirea profesorului Adrian Husar
Volumul reprezinta o culegere de studii stiintifice din domeniul istoriei. Autorii sunt specialisti in istorie si arheologie, din diverse centre universitare si culturale ale Romaniei, care in plan profesional, au fost legati de regretatul profesor Adrian Husar. Editorii i-au dedicat acest volum de studii, la 10 ani de la trecerea lui in nefiinta. Astfel, 2 dintre studii evoca personalitatea si activitatea profesorului Adrian Husar, iar restul, grupate in trei sectiuni tematice, reflecta preocuparile recente, din domeniul cercetarii istorice, ale autorilor.
The volume is a collection of scientific studies in the field of history. The authors are specialists in history and archeology, from various university and cultural centers of Romania, who professionally were related to the late professor Adrian Husar. The publishers dedicated this volume of studies to him, 10 years after his passing away. Thus, 2 of the studies evoke the personality and activity of Professor Adrian Husar, and the rest, grouped in three thematic sections, reflects the recent pursuits of the authors in the field of historical research.
Editura University Press, 2018
ISBN 978-973-169-552-5